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Deformed leaves on 'baby' AV

9 years ago

I bought this little one online but when it arrived the leaves were already a shade deformed. However, I've been ill & unable to get it repotted as yet as I've no decent medium to do so until maybe next wk earliest.

So while it's at least not died over the past 6 wks or so it's not really grown any either & what little growth there is continues to be deformed rather badly.

Is there any hope for it improving once I get it repotted or is it unlikely to really have a chance at this late stage? Anything else I can maybe do for it until repotting to help it?

Thanks Romayne

Comments (8)

  • judyj
    9 years ago

    Hi Romanye,
    Though I'm a relative newbie at this, it seems that this could be caused by any number of issues.

    I'd definitely repot it right away, ensure there aren't any bugs in the soil (get a magnifying glass and look) and don't over-water.
    Just get the new soil damp-but not wet-and pot it in (same pot size).

    Not sure of your potting soil mix, but if it's not too wet, it should be OK. Since it's not a blooming thing right now-this is all I can think of. Others will chime in that have more experience.


  • bittybats
    9 years ago

    I think Judy is right, tho I'm new too. You can try doming it to inc humidity. Or just put it in a plastic baggie. Mine looked something like that when I moved and *cough* put them in the check in bag in the plane *cough*. Outer leaves gave up and died on me, but the inner leaves were fine. I eventually saw new healthy growth in a few weeks, but never did I see deformed growth. Try to take a pic of the crown to show what this deformed growth is.

    Don't feel bad if it doesn't make it. I killed my first av...and was close to killing a few others.

  • lucky123
    9 years ago

    Isolate that plant and keep it isolated for a few months.

    Put it in a baggie or closed dome to insure that any critters are contained. If it has been out around other plants, watch those plants carefully for any signs of pests.

    This post was edited by lucky123 on Wed, Sep 3, 14 at 13:12

  • tkr99
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Tks everyone - I did have it bagged but removed it a while ago as it was getting way too damp - had lost a previous older one to being too moist in the bag so didn't want to risk it - however, what I have done is put it onto constantly wet stones (there's no bottom drainage in that wee pot which is what it came in), & have the bag around it open to shield it from draughts more than anything But I'll get it potted up next wk once I get buying a proper mix for it & let you know how it goes.

  • bittybats
    9 years ago

    The drainage can be a problem, if there's too much water the plant will just sit in it and rot. When you bag, the soil should just be damp, not wet (squeez soil, if there's water dripping from it it's too wet). If leaves feel like mush it might have root rot.

  • Karin
    9 years ago

    Two thoughts that came to mind:

    1. MITES - make sure you isolate it from all your other plants and wash your hands before touching any of them. (i sure hope that it isn't mites though!)

    2. too much fertilizer - make sure you buy a medium and perlite that don't contain fertilizers already.

    you can use a nail heated over a candle, or a soldering iron to burn holes into plastic containers like that one. you *should* probably take the plant out before you do that though ;-)


  • tkr99
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Thanks Karin - unsure about the mites, but it's not been fed much to be honest as I figured I'd be sure to overdo it given the tiny pot. Hoping if I get it repotted next wk it'll maybe start to pick up - either kill or cure it I suppose :)

  • quimoi
    9 years ago

    What is the variety?
