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Yippee Kae-Yeah!

18 years ago

Went to one of the nurseries today that carries a variety of unusual plants, and guess what? I walked out with 5 dormant colocasias - new to me:


Nancy's Revenge

Mickey Mouse


Black Ruffles

All for about a hundred. Without paying the postage, I'd say I got a pretty good deal - in gallon pots - big tubers!

What can you guys tell me about the growth habits, and finicky factors of these colos?


Comments (14)

  • bihai
    18 years ago

    Mickey Mouse is a Xanthosoma, not a colocasia. Its not finicky in the least. It spreads well. It likes to be well watered (as do all Xanthos) but is not a pond plant.

    Fallax will spread rampantly if given a nice moist place. Mine is pretty invasive.

    Nancy's Revenge can be grown in water or in the ground. Its a rampant runner as well.

    Black Ruffles is just a form of Black Magic. Same habits. Will grow in water or in the ground.

    All like full sun. All like lots of food.

  • alex_z7
    18 years ago

    Wow, I'd be happy too. I've seen Mickey Mouse only once and loved it. I have yet to see it in a nursery around here, but it's probably all in the luck of the timing.

  • greenelbows1
    18 years ago

    I'm glad to hear fallax likes full sun. I had been told 'shade' and while it has spread a good bit it hasn't really done as well as I'd like. Potted some up for a hanging basket recently and I think it's going to look good that way.

  • bihai
    18 years ago

    Oh yes Fallax loves sun as does Mickey Mouse and all the others. But with sun they must have adequate water.
    This is a photo of my Fallax I just took. Its 36 degrees outside at the moment, up from about 33 at dawn. These have stayed right here through all the frosts (lowest temp this season 28 so far). This is only one of several patches of Fallax I have. So, I have Fallax TO TRADE!!! if anyone has a trade. The second photo is one of my Mickey Mouses...I have those all over too but mostly dormant at the moment.


  • susanlynne48
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    Good grief, Bihai! What beautiful specimens! I love the photos. Can't wait til mine look like that. Most are kind of dormant right now.

    The guy at the nursery, who is an aroid nut, too, suggested that I bring them home and repot them in potting soil, because they were planted in what I believe what topsoil, with burlap around the roots, because they had been kept in a pond over the summer last year. They were removed from the pond for winter care, were very dried out, but the tubers were in good shape. However, when I repotted them, some of the tubers did break off. I just stuck them back in the potting soil. Right now, I have them in my kitchen covered with some plastic to keep the humidity around them up. Except for Mickey Mouse. There were a few leaves on him, so I put him up under the flourescent light. Has a pretty good sized tuber on him.

    I potted in Schultz potting soil. Very well draining mix. Think that will be okay until time to take them outside?


  • susanlynne48
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    I just now noticed the temperatures you mentioned. You've been colder than we've been in Oklahoma! I cannot believe that. It has been in the 40s in the morning here. Although this week we are supposed to be down in the 20s at night, and by next weekend the highs will be 30s and 20s. Wait a couple of says, it will be back in the 50s and 60s. We have such weird weather, especially this winter. By 9:00 a.m it was 49 degrees today.


  • bihai
    18 years ago

    We are definitely on the winter roller coaster. We just got almost 6 inches of rain over the last 2 days, finally today its dry but tonight....30! February is a weird month here. It can be unabashed spring, or it can be teasing you with 80 one day, 60 the next and freezes.It all depends on how the Jetstream dips over the Southeast whenever a Pacific or Canadian cold front blows in. I have been out all day today in shorts, burning brush! It was a beautiful day! But the wind has been blowing 15-25 mph. Makes burning kind of a challenge, you have to keep the hose right there in case something gets out of control...but after 6 inches of rain, its kind of unlikely anything would spark. The ground is saturated.

  • leaper
    18 years ago

    Congratulations! What a great deal :) What nursery did you find them at? And does he have any more? ;)

  • susanlynne48
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    It was a local nursery here in Oklahoma City, unfortunately, called Satterlee's. I meant unfortunately for you because I don't think they do mail order, but you could always call them and check, Leaper. I think I bought the last Mickey Mouse. I believe he had dupes of the others. I just got lucky. I decided to stop and look at what they had in the greenhouse.


  • bihai
    18 years ago

    I was at Lowes today buying some coir mats to use to wrap around PVC to make totems like the kind person who answered my "best totems" question described and saw something I had never seen before: in the bulb carousel they had packages of Colocaisa antiquorum "Illustris" and Colocasia "Black Magic" for sale with all the other stuff they have. Usually for "elephant ears" they only have Alocasia macrorhizza or maybe odora if you are lucky. You might give it a look see at your Lowes. I didn't buy any as I have those 2 in hordes, but its nice to see them trying to widen the selection

  • leaper
    18 years ago

    Thanks Susan! I live in Moore so it's just a short jaunt for me. I appreciate the information :)
    I was at the new Home Depot in my area and they had Black Magic and Illustris there too along with a great selection of other bulbs.

  • leaper
    18 years ago

    Thanks Susan,
    Yes, we moved recently, just haven't updated anything yet. Thanks for the welcome, glad to be counted among the Okie Aroidiacs :) Aroids have become my new collecting passion. It seems I can't have enough of them. I just got some small Black Marble, Black Runner and Chicago Harlequin from a dutch ebay auction. I was thrilled to find them.
    I saw your post for the Garden Forum and I registered. It looks like a wonderful place with really nice people and I like their policy on photo's. I haven't fully explored the site but I think it absolutely needs an aroid forum. Great idea!
    I'm heading to the older Horns Nursery tomorrow. They have some of the nicest plants, beautiful garden pieces too.

  • susanlynne48
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    Are you talking the one on NW Expy and Classen Blvd.? That's where I got my plumbea nigra. They have a lot of the Amazon Mask alocasias there. They may have A. 'Polly', but I don't recall. I didn't pick it up because it is not as hardy, and I don't have any space to grow it indoors.

    They do have nice garden art pieces, but they have such nice prices attached. Think I'll shop the estate auctions and garage sales. My budget gets tighter and tighter every year.

    Hope you had/have fun!


  • leaper
    18 years ago

    Yes, that's the one. I never made it this week but for sure next week and I'll look for the alocasia's. I don't have a lot of room either since I'm overwintering some tropical pond plants inside. Estate sales sound like a great source. Good luck. :)