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Crispy rhizomatous begonia - advice please!

9 years ago

Hi. I have some sort of rhizomatous begonia that I picked up from a garden shop 2 months ago (mid-May), and it is not happy. The larger leaves have gone brown and crispy and I'm not really sure why. It was not in direct sunlight, although my mom (who is an experienced gardener, though not with begonias) reckons that the sunlight it was getting was still too intense, so we moved it to a better spot about a week ago. I live in Scotland where it is quite humid, but based on what I've read on other forums, I'm wondering if humidity might still be the problem.

I attached one picture that was taken about an hour ago. There is some new, healthy looking growth that I really want to protect. Should I cut off the larger leaves and try to focus on the newer growth? If I do, should I repot? When I got it in May I repotted it into the pot in the picture, and the soil I used had some fertilizer in it. I fertilized it once more with a diluted solution and it perked up, so I don't think that caused the crispy leaves.

Does anyone have any advice for my begonia? I'm definitely a novice gardener and this is the first "fussy" plant that I've attempted to keep alive, so I assume that I'm making some sort of massive rookie mistake.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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