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Honeyvine or Milkweed vine... anyone

14 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have been absent from here for a few years, suffered a severe injury to my foot, and could not use a shovel for a few years.

Long story, but it is due to a Primacare missing what was MANY breaks, and due to that not having it repaired properly. (now no lisfranc joint)

I am finally back, and able to get back in the garden this year!

I was wondering if anyone here could help me find a source for the honeyvine, milkweed vine or milkweed vine seeds?

I have wanted this particular plant for years, but unable to locate a source.

I would be unbelievably grateful to anyone who may know where I can get a plant or seeds.

Thanks everyone, and I sure have missed my gardening and am glad to be back!!

Eclectic ~

Comments (18)

  • eclecticgardener
    14 years ago

    YAY - found a way to get in to my old profile.
    I am EclecticGardener!! Happy to be back!!

    Could not get in to my old email account, and had forgotten the password, but figured it out now.

    If anyone can help, I would be very thankful.

    Eclectic ~

  • MissSherry
    14 years ago

    My honeyvine/Cynanchum laeve vines are still real small, only about 2' tall now. If I get a seed pod, I'll send you one, but that would be a while. Bump this thread back up in early summer - hopefully, they'll be blooming by then. The cold winter delayed things.

  • eclecticgardener
    14 years ago

    Hi Sherry,
    Thank you SO MUCH!
    I am in no hurry, I am more than willing and happy to wait. Just thrilled to know someone is still growing them!

    Hopefully I have something to trade that will make it worth your while.

    Thanks again, and thrilled be be back here growing for my butterflies, hummingbirds, and other wildlife!

    BTW - Do you remember me, I sure do remember you.
    We used to chat way back when!
    My gardens got a bit overgrown, and I tried to take care of them, but just could not plant much new.


    Here is a link that might be useful: New blooms in the garden

  • swallowtail_grower
    14 years ago

    Hello I have a large honey sucker plant, is that what you mean by Honey plant? I live in So. Calif and its just started to bloom smells very good. Patty

  • MissSherry
    14 years ago

    I think I do remember you, EG, but I post so much on this forum, I get confused who I'm talking to! :)
    I forgot to tell you I'm glad your foot has healed well enough that you can garden again. I got sick one year in spring, and I couldn't garden for months - I was miserable with my illness and ill just thinking about all that beautiful weather out there going to waste!
    I haven't gotten a seed pod in a year or two, I think because of all the bugs that are now attacking the vines. They are mostly various milkweed bugs - red and black ones and gray and black ones - but there are quite a few other types that I haven't identified. Many of them attack the flowers, so therein apparently lies the problem.
    Let's hope I get a pod or two this year - once you get honeyvine started, you'll have it for life.

  • eclecticgardener
    14 years ago

    The plant I am looking for is in the milkweed fmaily.
    Want to grow it as a host plant for the Monarch butterfly.

    Adding a link.
    Any color is fine for me, not particular at all.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Any color will do - not picky

  • bananasinohio
    14 years ago

    Hi EG;
    If you email me your address, I will send you some seeds. The vine grows rampant in my yard and I still have pods here and there.

    My email address is


  • eclecticgardener
    14 years ago

    Hi bananasinohio,

    Just sent you an email.
    Thank you so much for your generosity!!
    I am thrilled.

  • terrene
    14 years ago

    Hi Eclecticgardener, the scientific name of the vine is Cynanchum laeve, aka Honeyvine, milkweed vine, etc. I have some seeds that were from a trade 2 years ago, if it doesn't work out with banana. I started these from seed in 2008, and they sprouted and grew vigorously and I assume the seeds are still viable. My vines are still pretty small however.

    PS glad to hear about that your foot in on the mend, I broke my wrist in 2007 and had terrible wrist/elbow tendonitis in 2009 and couldn't garden for several months each season (the tendonitis was actually worse because I had to rest for months). I just about died and don't know how you made through several years!

  • eclecticgardener
    14 years ago

    Hi terrene,

    Yes, being very much a outside person, the immobility was beyond difficult.
    I broke all three cuneiforms, cracked the talus, and the cuboid. Also got the Jones fracture on the little toe, and lost my lisfranc joint.
    Not sure how Primacare missed all of that, but guessing it is because they were supposed to take a standing x-ray (where they would have seen all of the bones splay out) and did not.
    Finally did make it to my primary Dr. who immediately ordered a MRI (hubby had been out of the country so had no way to get to a specialist prior to this) and by the time I did make it, it was too late to save my lisfranc joint.

    I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I did not make a big enough deal out of the swelling and constant blue color. LOL Figured it was a really bad sprain. After all that is what Primacare had said I had.

    It was the arthritis and swelling that went on for a few years from the bones basically moving around freely in the foot that killed me.
    Though the bones still move, I have pretty much got the pain under control now, using natural methods like ginger oil to keep the arthritis down. I do not take anything prescription for it.
    I would say that in the long run, I guess I am better off than if I had surgery and gotten screws anyway. I am doing pretty good!

    Mostly pain free - MOSTLY - or who knows, maybe it hurts and I do not know it!
    Again, I develop a pretty high pain tolerance.

    I am just glad to be out and in the garden again.

    I would love some seed, and will let you know for sure if thing do not work out.

    Sent an email to bananasinohio but not sure she received it.

    Thanks again for the kind offer! I would be totally excited to grow this plant!


  • susanlynne48
    14 years ago

    EG - welcome back and glad to hear you are doing well after such a traumatic event!

    Generally speaking, Cynanchum laeve is not the best of all the milkweeds to use as a host plant. I grow it as a backup to my other milkweeds in the event I run out of the others, because the Monarch cats will eat it if there is nothing else available. It pops up all over my yard now, and I pull most of the sprouts since I have a couple now that get pretty big. One is growing up and thru my 15' honeysuckle "tree". The milkweed bugs or beetles (those fat round ones), love to consume it, too, as well as the oleander aphids.

    Are you growing or do you have other milkweed available for food?


  • cichawoda
    13 years ago

    I have a mystery milkweed vine growing in my front yard. It's a volunteer and I have figured out that it's not one of the more common milkweed vines. Anybody know? I have lots of photos of it at

    Here is a link that might be useful: Mystery milkweed vine

  • imabirdnut
    13 years ago

    Interesting vine pictures! It definitely looks like milkweed...have you had any Monarch or Queen cats on it? What area of the country are you in?
    I would love some seeds when they ripen if you would like to trade for something I have!
    Hope someone can ID it for you! Could it be Sarcostemma clausum--White Twinevine?

  • cichawoda
    13 years ago

    I'm in Long Beach, CA. Haven't seen any Monarchs on it but it is in the front yard so I don't get to observe it all that much. If I get seeds that would not be a problem. I don't think it was Sarcostemma clausum - the flowers were in smaller clusters and more tubular.

  • milkweedman_00_yahoo_com
    12 years ago

    Does anybody still have some Honeyvine milkweed seeds (Cynanchum laeve) out there? Mine just died and i need some more. Can trade. please email me:

  • breeno
    12 years ago

    I have milkweed vines running crazy all over my yard. Right now I would say that I have 40 to 50 pods on the vines and two monarch caterpillars munching happily away. I also have tons of praying mantis and other fuzzy catepillars that seem to like the vine. I am willing to send pods to whoever wants them. I have no idea what variety of milkweed this is but almost all creatures seem to love it. email is

  • susanlynne48
    12 years ago

    Just FYI - the Praying Mantids are predators of the caterpillars, so they are there to feast on the bounty. The fuzzy caterpillars are more than likely Milkweed Tussock moth caterpillars. I call them "fur balls". They remind me of tortie felines.


  • docmom_gw
    12 years ago

    In addition to the caterpillars, praying mantids also prey on aphids, wasps, bumble bees, etc. So, I actually encourage them. I'm hoping for as diverse an environment as possible. Hopefully, everyone can live in peace and balance. Give and take, etc.
