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A mixed bag of goodies

xerophyte NYC
17 years ago

New photos taken today, any questions, just ask, glad to be of help

Dioscorea elephantipes caudex, about 8 yrs-old from seed, just starting to vine, Adromischus cristatus to the right


Pachypodium namaquanum, started as a seedling ~10 yrs ago, it's starting to lean towards the sun, which they are known to do


Pachypodium saundersii(?), can't remember exactly


Pacypodium brevicaule


Pseudolithos migiurtinus flower close-up, the ruffles on the petal tips are quite comical looking as they sway in the breeze


Huernia (sp?) bloom


Euphorbia caput-medusae, strange looking plant


Mammillaria luethyi close-up (not grafted, I HATE grafts) - each tubercule has a parasol of spines, very intricate


Mammillaria bocasana


Hawaorthia truncata, started as a single small plant about 10 yrs ago


Astrophytum asterias x coahuilensis...mathematics and nature go hand in hand


Astrophytum "Super Kabuto"


Aztekium ritteri, 9 yrs old from seed


Aloes, over 15 yrs old from seed, the one on the right looks like Aloe ferox, I don't know the others, anyone else know?


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