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What's blooming in your garden?

14 years ago

Hello everyone: Well, the warm weather has finally reached Ontario and I am beginning to see colour in my garden. The following WS babies are blooming: Helianthus, Columbine (McKenna's Giant), Opium Poppy, Coreopsis, Fuschia Rose Campion, White Malva, Pink Malva, Sweet William & Carnations, Maltese Cross, spider Zinnias, Penny Blacks, Petunias; and there are buds on my Angel's Choir Poppy, Shasta Daisies, dwarf Baloon Flower, White Rose Campion, Lychnis Lumina, Marguerite Daisies. Today I also had the first bloom on a carpet rose I grew from a cutting. So it looks like I'll be having quite a riot for Canada Day. What's happening in your garden? Happy Canada Day , everyone!!!