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Plant Delights Open House This Weekend

Ralph Whisnant
15 years ago

My brother, Melvin, and I went to Plant Delights this afternoon. The weather was good but the crowd was faily light. I picked up a new (to me) hardy Impatiens species 'Sichuan Gold' and a variegated Tradescantia 'Maiden's Blush'. The latter has pink splotches on the leaves. The Impatiens supposedly has survived temperatures below zero F during the winter in Minnesota. Both plants appear to be capable of being divided by the time of the Spring Raleigh area swap.

Comments (6)

  • karen__w z7 NC
    15 years ago

    I was wondering when someone was going to use the 'S' word.

    I was there at PDN yesterday, too. Sorry I missed you. My greenhouse is going up now, hopefully I'll have time and space for some large scale propagating before the swap this year.

  • trianglejohn
    15 years ago

    Ralph - I've grown both of those. The Maiden's Blush is very hardy. Mine eventually got crowded out by something else but in its prime it was a great filler plant. The pink splashes on the leaves are only during cool weather, when things heat up it switches to solid green leaves. The Sichuan Gold did well also but I planted it right next to the Impatiens arguta (either from the swaps or PDN) and it is such a robust grower that it over shadows the Gold.

    If you like Tradescantias, there is one out there called 'Baby Bunny Bellies' that is amazingly hardy. It just looks like a dark green sorta fuzzy wandering jew but it crept out of its pot and wandered around the shady parts of my yard until we had that 9 degree night. I have some in the hoophouse so I will bring it to the swap this spring. To me all the "tropical" tradescantias make great filler plants in the shady spots of the garden. A big shout out to Adelle at that nursery in Sanford for introducing me to Baby Bunny Bellies.

  • frank27603
    15 years ago

    Bumping this up: PDN open again today and tomorrow 8-5! They are NOT open on Sunday for their Winter open house. I usually go on Sundays for the others, so I wanted to make sure to add that.

    Those Impatiens are so tempting! I can't ever go without purchasing several things...we'll see what happens today!


  • catc
    15 years ago

    I always say I'm not going to go, and then when I decide to go, that I'm not going to buy anything (much). I ended up with a new Bletilla, a Corydalis, a double Hellebore and a Pulmonaria. I'm so glad spring is here.

  • dellare
    15 years ago

    John - while walking around my gardens today I noticed the aftermentioned 'Baby Bunny Bellies' just now popping their heads out of the sand. The owner at BB's had brought in a ton of them that year and was disappointed with their performance. He decided to get rid of most of them even though I protested that they were hardy here. Needless to say I rescued most of the bunnys and planted a good amount at my house. Didn't I make you say baby bunny bellies five times fast in order to "win" one? Adele

  • trianglejohn
    15 years ago

    Adele - oh yes you did! and I haven't stopped singing the praise of this plant!! I show it to everyone that happens by. Most don't get it because it just looks like an all green version of Wandering Jew (a house plant classic). I love the way it fills in all the empty spots in a shady flowerbed or cascades over the edge of large patio containers. Love love love it! Tell John F. he missed out.

    Baby Bunny Bellies, Baby Bullies Bennies, Bully Beanie Babies...

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