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Pinus uncinata Photo Gallery 2010

More pines, lots of little cultivars in this species. Enjoy and share some of yours if you'd like:

Pinus uncinata 'Morak'. Grows maybe a couple inches a year.

'Paradekissen'. A nice tight mound. 7-8 years old?

'Berhal #4 W.B.'. One in a series from the Czech Republic I believe.


Comments (13)

  • 13 years ago

    Your conifers make me want to drink Guiness for Breakfast!


  • 13 years ago

    A couple from my garden

    Pinus uncinata 'Kladsko #2'

    Pinus uncinata 'Xenie #24 WB'

  • 13 years ago

    I'm not a beer drinker Dax so I don't know if that's good or bad. Hopefully good! :)

    A few more today before the heat sets in and I want to sit indoors.

    Pinus uncinata 'Braska W.B. #3'. Yay for broom-hunting. Another of the czech series and all of them are nice and tight.

    'Snehuraka W.B. #22' - This must be a name like 'Tom' in Czech? :)

    'Kovarska W.B. #4'. Happy in their pots now for two years.


  • 13 years ago

    Is uncinata its own species or is it a subspecies of Pinus mugo? I've seen it both ways...


  • 13 years ago

    Will, you mentioned all witches'brooms from the Czech Republic with W.B.
    The thing is that they speak all a little bit German and not the English language.
    That's why the W.B. part isn't possible.
    I received a document with 1.000 differend witches'brooms found in the Czech Republic and they gave the witches'broom a name and a number.
    About 800 from this list are Pinus uncinata witches'brooms.
    Only the first 100 numbers are not included which is a pitty.
    For example the Pinus uncinata 'Berhal #4 W.B.'.
    This one must be written as:
    -Pinus uncinata 'Berhal' ('#4')
    The others are:
    -Pinus uncinata 'Braska' ('#3')
    -Pinus uncinata 'Snéhurka' ('#22')
    -Pinus uncinata 'Kovarska' isn't '#4' ('Berhal is '#4')
    I don't know which nr. is the right one.

    Glenda, your's must be written as following:
    'Xenie' ('#24')
    'Kladsko #2' is not in the list.
    I'm not familiar if the're 2 differend 'Kladsko' numbers.
    The nr. 2 on the list is Pinus uncinata 'Baby'.

    Sam, Pinus uncinata and Pinus mugo are 2 differend species.
    Some "knowhow people' which are not familiar in the fields, they decided to put these 2 differend one's under only Pinus mugo but this is totaly wrong.
    The thing is that they look quite simular at first sight BUT the living eviroments of these 2 species are TOTALY differend.
    Pinus mugo lives at the top of the mountains at the treelines where it is cold and dry and the shape is more of a bush form while Pinus uncinata lives in the valleys were it is moist and it's shape is more of a tree form.

    Pinus mugo

    Pinus uncinata (aka Pinus pseudopumilio)

    Photo's were taken in Poland at the University of Wroclav in 2008 during a field trip with the British-and Dutch Conifer Societies.

  • 13 years ago

    Edwin, I've said it before but I'll re-emphasize. Your knowledge is as deep as your desire to share it. Any conifer collector would be counted very lucky to know you and grateful to have your assistance as often as you provide it.

    Thank you!


  • 13 years ago

    "'Snehuraka W.B. #22' - This must be a name like 'Tom' in Czech? :)color>"

    Will, the spelling in your tag is a bit off -- Edwin provides the more correct version:
    Pinus uncinata 'Snéhurka'
    ....the only problem here is the accent on the "é" should actually be a little hook, but it doesn't seem possible to post it here (it gets automatically converted to an 'i' as in the link below -- but you'll see the real thing if you click on the link...).
    These accents make for very different pronunciation.... The correct one, with the little hook on the 'e' is pronounced like Sniehurka, with a soft 'n', while Snéhurka would, incorrectly, be like Sneahurka (ie. long 'e' and regular 'n' pronunciation)

    Anyway, to answer your question, the name actually means "Snow White", as in the Disney fairytale character with the seven dwarfs, etc.....

    Here is a link that might be useful: snìhurka a sedm trpaslíkù

  • 13 years ago


    Here is a translation done by a Czech friend of mine discussing the San Sebastian series long before the number approached 1000. Notice how they spell 'Babay'.

    Pinus uncinata San Sebastian Series
    In the San Sebastian region of northern Bohemia Milan Halada discovered a marshy area with many specimens of Pinus x pseudopumilio, a hybrid of Pinus mugo and Pinus uncinata. He collected wood from a witchesÂ-broom known as San Sebastian #13, which he named ÂAdamÂ. Since then, he and a friend, Jan Beran, have returned many times and collected a variety of witchesÂ-brooms in this area. These are found throughout Europe and America as the San Sebastian Series. Some of these will become very popular while others will gradually disappear from cultivation. For reference purposes, the whole series is listed here with both the San Sebastian number and the given name for each plant.

    San Sebastian #1 not named 1982 50cm wide by 40cm high in 15 years
    San Sebastian #2 ÂBabay 1982 50cm wide by 40cm high in 15 years
    San Sebastian #3 ÂBraska 1982 50cm wide by 30cm high in 10 years
    San Sebastian #4 ÂBerhal 1982 50cm wide by 30cm high in 7 years
    San Sebastian #5 ÂBajaja 40cm wide by 30cm high in 7 years
    San Sebastian #6 ÂKarel 50cm wide by 30cm high in 13 years
    San Sebastian #11 ÂBonita 1989 40cm wide by 30cm high in 8 years
    San Sebastian #12 ÂSuk 1989 50cm wide by 50cm high in 8 years
    San Sebastian #13 ÂAdam 1989 35cm wide by 35cm high in 8 years
    San Sebastian #14 ÂAries 1985 30cm wide by 30cm high in 12 years
    San Sebastian #15 ÂNova 20cm wide by 10cm high in 12 years
    San Sebastian #16 ÂEva 1989 12cm wide by 10cm high in 8 years
    San Sebastian #18 ÂRusalka 1987 30cm wide by 20cm high in 10 years
    San Sebastian #19 ÂElectra 1989 50cm wide by 30cm high in 8 years
    San Sebastian #20 ÂNiva 1987 35cm wide by 40cm high in 10 years
    San Sebastian #21 ÂBohemiaÂ
    San Sebastian #22 ÂPopelka 25cm wide by 20cm high in 7 years
    San Sebastian #23 ÂSnehurka 1989 20cm wide by 20cm high in 7 years
    San Sebastian #24 ÂXenie 1987 25cm wide by 15cm high in 10 years
    San Sebastian #25 ÂBeran 25cm wide by 20cm high in 6 years
    San Sebastian #26 ÂMaja 30cm wide by 25cm high in 6 years
    San Sebastian #27 ÂArabela 1991 25cm wide by 23cm high in 7 years
    San Sebastian #28 ÂLidaÂ

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks Bob for this translation part and the list till #28.
    Do you also have the furthur numbers #29 till #100?

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks Will for your compliments about sharing my knowledge with all the GW conifer collectors, I enjoy this very much!
    Maybe I want to share my knowledge in another way and would I like to work as a proffesional in a Pinetum/Arboretum somewhere else and will I use this moment as an open application...;0)

  • 13 years ago

    Pinus uncinata "Abel" SS474 (SS = San Sebastian)

    Pinus uncinata "Sisi" SS227

    Pinus uncinata "Uschi" SS212


  • 13 years ago

    Nice pics Clément

    If your "Pinus uncinata 'Uschi' SS212" is another Czech cultivar, then the name 'Uschi' is probably an angilcised spelling of the Czech word for ears, which is written as UÂi, with a hook-style apostrophe over the letter 's'.

  • 13 years ago

    Jaro, the list I received mentioned 'Uschi' in the way Clément mentioned.

    This is my very special one:
    A witches'broom in a witches'broom which is Pinus uncinata 'Nova' (S.S.15).
    I named the witches'broom 'Filip's Pretty Pride'