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HAVE: water hyacinths

15 years ago

I have about 6-10 water hyacinths that i managed to get my hands on for really cheap and i bought bulk and have extras for trade. I would like to trade for other pond plants or maybe something from my wish list. I also have rainbow chameleon plant, golden creeping jenny, giant duckweed to feed fish,marsh betony and bog bean.

I would like white pickerel weed, pink pickerel weed, azurea baby blue pickerel weed,improved creeping primrose, any aquatic monkeyflower besides mimulus ringens,hisbicus moschuetus, lilypons waterlily, waterlilys that tolerate less sun, dwarf water bamboo,flowering rush,double arrowhead and i would consider most offers.Must be a hardy perennial to zone 5. BUT PLEASE NO INVASIVES LIKE WATER CELERY AND SO ON. i JUST SPENT 4 YEARS IN A ROW TRYING TO ERADICATE WATER CELERY FROM ALL OVER MY YARD. FROM POND TO EVERYWHERE IT COULD ROOT. SIGH...OUCH!

Thank you much! Melissa

PS> i will be away from saturday until Tuesday. ;)
