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I'm back

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post an update, since I've been off the forum for so long and so many here were so supportive when I was laid off. Turns out starting a new business is a pretty much 24/7 job. And it shows in my overgrown yard, I'm afraid.

But I'm up and running, and I've learned a lot. Getting laid off wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me, as heartbreaking as it was. In fact, it may be a good thing, in the end.

A part of me will always miss a job I believed in and cared about deeply. And I may always grieve for the industry that I grew up in, the one that my parents dedicated their careers to, the one where I spent nearly two decades, and most of all, the one that I believed performed an important service in our democracy.

I was proud to be a journalist, and I still am part-time (I have a few clients I'm freelancing for, including one lifesaver that has me on retainer _ a little bit of stability in my new small business life on the edge.)

But I'm moving on. And I'm good.

My yard is not. Part of my disappearing act was due to the fact that I knew it would be pretty easy to spend my unemployment on here, and in my yard, when I needed to hustle. The hustle isn't over, but I'm at least set up and bringing some money in. And now I'm eager to catch up with everyone as I avoid the heat of the day on the forum and catch up with my yard in the mornings and evenings. But just on weekends. I may be able to work in my pajamas now, but work I must.

I've also learned a few things about setting up a corporation, mortgage modifications, dealing with unemployment, etc. If anyone is in need of advice, I've gotten a lot and owe some good karma in that respect. email me off the forum at writeme (at) (a new address to better reflect my new biz. the old one still works too.)

Glad to be back.


Comments (6)

  • stuartwanda
    14 years ago

    Susannah, this has been a trying time to alot of people. As you know, your not alone!
    Welcome back.

  • natives_and_veggies
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Thanks Wanda! It's good to be back. And you're right, it really has been tough for so many people. But I've been impressed with the help I've received. Even collecting unemployment for the few weeks that I did was easy and my local unemployment office was incredibly responsive and helpful, something I didn't expect at all. I mean, I'm in Miami, home of the foreclosure crisis, with the highest unemployment in the state, and the folks at that office were really nice and helpful. And there are so many cool programs out there right now to help people get back on their feet.

    The Making Homes Affordable program is truly awesome, whether you've been laid off or have a mortgage that's adjusting. More than anything, it just seems so smart. Banks make lower profits for a few years on the guarantee that they won't lose money, I stay in a home that I love and work hard to take care of, my neighbors don't deal with a foreclosure next door. It's just win-win, as far as I can tell. It's been a life-saver for us.

    There's probably no good time to lose your job, but I feel lucky that I did at a time when there was a lot of support out there.

    And I'm very glad to be back. :)

  • laura1
    14 years ago

    I'm glad you are back. I'm so happy that you were able to start up a business and that you are making money at it! It's just one thing that makes America GREAT! God doesn't close a door w/o opening a window as the saying goes.
    Welcome back and enjoy whipping that garden back in shape...hehe.

  • trinigemini
    14 years ago

    Congrats Susannah,

    I've been wondering where you were. Glad things are looking up. What kind of business did you go into? How is your puppy? Isn't it nice to work in pajamas :-) I roll out of bed and start work :-)

  • natives_and_veggies
    Original Author
    14 years ago


    I'm writing web content for a variety of folks, and setting up entire web sites for a few clients. I'm teamed up with a great designer, a really skilled developer and a Spanish copy-editor (we also set up mirror sites in Spanish.)

    Initially, my main market was lawyers, but I've broadened that a little because so many small businesses need web sites.

    It's a daily hustle, but it is a hustle in my pajamas! :)

    now... back to work. this place is too tempting.

  • trinigemini
    14 years ago me privately. I'll give you the contact Information for my boss. She may have use of your services as well. If you're interested of course :-)