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If I pot store bought ginger root.....

17 years ago

...will it grow?


Comments (11)

  • gardeniarose
    17 years ago

    Yup. I have some growing in my garden, which I pulled out last year and it came back. It grows very easily.

  • nwflscout
    17 years ago

    I planted some too but it died when we got an early cold snap. Will it come back? The root still seems viable. What color does it bloom?

  • sultry_jasmine_nights (Florida-9a-ish)
    17 years ago

    It blooms sort of small green cones with little whitish flowers poking out, if I remember right lol. They are not spectacular as far as flowers go but are interesting and smell a little like ginger if you squeeze them and smell you hands. If the rhizome is still firm it may come back this spring. They go dormant in the winter anyways. If you live in a colder zone they could freeze so you may need to protect them then. They did ok for me outside in a zone 9a. They are slow in coming back in the spring sometimes so give them a little time.

  • llboyce_hvc_rr_com
    17 years ago

    Boy am I glad to find this post!! I bought some Hawaiian store bought ginger and am trying to find some info on how to get it started. I've read several different ways but all to no avail. Is it a slow starter? Right now I have a hunk soaking in water vertically with toothpicks on the side. I also have two other pieces in dirt under gro lites and on a heat mat. I don't have it covered. Should it be? I also read to just place it on top of soil and press down about 1 inch. Should this be covered. I'm sitting here with at least four pounds of ginger and cannot find any info. I also read to put it in a paper bag and place on a heat mat to get it started...then I put it in potting soil covered? If I lay it horizontally and completely cover with soil and then cover with a baggie or something?

    I do apologize for all the questions but just wanted to give it the ol "college try"..any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


  • teajm_yahoo_com
    17 years ago

    I think it will sprout best just left in a warm dark least that's how mine always sprout

  • pjames
    17 years ago

    I planted a few pieces over a month ago, but see nothing above ground. How long does it take to germinate or should I just buy some more root and replant?

  • lboyce
    17 years ago

    tj.....THANK YOU so much for your reply!! That's exactly what I did....I broke off a hunk and put it in a brown paper bag and set it on a heat mat. I think I have a piece started every way under the sun except planted directly in the ground as I'm in Zone 5 and it's still spitting snow here! Does it sprout on the quick side? When it sprouts, should I lay it flat in potting soil exposed and just push it into the soil about 1"? Sorry for all the questions!


  • gennieb
    17 years ago

    OK I'm glad to find this too. Can I just cut a hunk off and leave it in a warm, dry place or do I need to leave the whole piece out? After it sprouts (if I'm so lucky) then how do I plant it? (sun exposure, etc.) I'm a newbie to this whole gardening thing but it fascinates me. Thanks for any info!

  • sultry_jasmine_nights (Florida-9a-ish)
    17 years ago

    I'm not really sure if you should break off a peice on a store bought rhizome because part of the rhizome is where the food/energy is stored on some kinds of ginger. I would just plant the whole rhizome fairly shallowly in a large pot. Keep moist but not soggy. I give mine some light.
    You can give bottom heat to speed it up or put it in the morning sun afternoon shade should be okay in your zone.
    I haven't heard of sprouting them in water but who knows lol. They are really slow to sprout. Really, really slow so have patience. Mine is just now coming out of dormancy here this year. It didnt even go dormant the last year but this year it did I guess because I stored it in the pot in a dark garage overwinter.

  • ScarlettPayne
    10 years ago

    This was a store bought piece of ginger that I planted on the 17 June 2013. The photo I am sharing was taken on the 6 July 2013. To answer some questions that I have seen here my sprout formed in the clear plastic bag I kept it stored in as I use a lot of ginger to make tea with. It was sitting on my kitchen counter away from all direct sunlight in a unused teacup. The sprout got rather large and I decided to plant it and see if I could have any luck. I planted it in mulch type soil with plenty of slow release plant food. I water it every other day as it sits in my window now. As you can see in just the short time how much this plant has grown. Ginger is from what I can tell insanely easy to grow. I have read that they do well as house plants. I don't intend on putting this one outside on my balcony with my other plants. I hope that some of this helps.

  • chilliwin
    10 years ago

    It is really very nice to see this thread. I love growing everything in container. I have tried many store bought vegetables that's are not available in the garden centers here. I have successful grown many of them such as Mexican Coriander/Burmese Coriander, Houttuynia cordata, ginger and many Asian origin herbs.

    Here is my store bought ginger in the container.


    I would like to try turmeric this time, I have seen turmeric roots in Thai Store.

    Thanks for this thread.


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