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Do you process hot pepper sauce?

10 years ago

I tried a recipe on Pepper Joe's Hot Sauce web page this week. My son in law loves it. I will soon have loads more peppers so thought I would can more of it for him. I checked my Ball Blue Book and do not see a recipe similar enough to it to feel confident, but with the amount of vinegar in it, I feel like I should be able to process it.

What do you think? How long would I process? Hot Water Bath? Pressure? I want to be safe.

Here is a link to the recipe. It's the Jalapeno Sauce one.

Comments (7)

  • digdirt2
    10 years ago

    You can. I do when i make a large batch that is too large to store in the fridge. But I use a very different recipe too.

    Most of the tested and approved pickled pepper sauce recipes call for 10-15 min. processing in a BWB for 1/2 pints or pints.

    The problem with that recipe is that it is pureed so its density is much higher than the density of the approved recipes - note how they call for much more vinegar too. So it would take a longer processing time and there is no assurance of safety with canning this particular recipe.

    You can freeze it with no concerns.

    There is a recipe almost identical to this one in The Joy of Pickling but it too calls for 1 cup of vinegar (5%) for 12 medium sized peppers and still only allows for fridge storage, not canning.


  • Donna
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Okay. Thanks, Dave. I will just freeze it.

  • seysonn
    10 years ago

    - 12 jalapeno peppers
    - 8 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    - 1 whole lime
    - 1 tablespoon sugar
    -1/2 tbs. salt
    -1/2 tbs. onion powder
    -1/2 tbs. garlic powder

    Cut hot pepper in half and remove seeds. Drop in boiling water for 30 seconds to blanche. Squeeze juice from lime and combine hot peppers with all other ingredients in blender and chop. Then put on high speed to blend all ingredients together. Store in an old hot pepper sauce bottle or ketsup bottle and store in fridge. It's simple to make and 100% natural.
    The only solids in this recipe' is just peppers and made with straight vinegar (plus sugar). It does not matter if the peppers are whole or pureed. The over all density is the same.
    So I think , it can be safely canned in BWB, since acidity is way up (and pH way down) . I normally just cook in vinegar ,simmer it, blend it and bottle it. If you are too concerned just keep the in refrigerator. The biggest concern in canning is LOW acidity (pH 4.2 or lower) . with these ingredients, the pH should be well under 3.

  • morz8 - Washington Coast
    10 years ago

    Seysonn, I'm concerned you are going to confuse some newer to canning. Would you consider at least making it clear you are posting your own unscientific opinion when adding to the help already given here?

    This forum has long been one place people could come with their canning questions and know they will be given tested approved recipes and methods. There are hundreds of places online for the grandmothers types recipes, others put together with guesswork and luck, but this has never been one of them.

  • sidhartha0209
    10 years ago

    Fermented straight up Habanero sauce in route to the BWB - 2013.

  • seysonn
    10 years ago

    morz8 ...processing pepper in STRAIGHT VINEGAR , in BWB is safe according to the scientific standards BECAUSE IT IS HIGHLY ACIDIC. Unless you come up with a reason as to WHY it is not, other than blindly referring only to the TESTED recipes. So you are blindly rejecting every other possibility that has not been tested(in exact sense) regardless of the scientific principles behind it.

    Then I also mentioned "..I think ..." , that means , in part what I said was my opinion based on the reasoning I presented. Then, it is up to the individual to decide what to. We are creating mandates here.
    Keep in mind that this is a "FORUM".

  • seysonn
    10 years ago

    Sid ... looks good.

    I made something similar couple of weeks ago with yellow manzano and yellow bell beppers, with straight cider vinegar(5% acidity). With a dash of salt and some sugar (to hide to sour taste of vinegar)
    They are the small ones in the center, stacked