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Deer Repellent

This doesn't pertain to me, but I know a lot of you have deer munching on your hostas.

Taken from a book entitled, The Garden, by Freeman Patterson (2003):

"If you keep a dog, preferably a female who will have a defined territory, she will usually keep deer at a respectable distance. . . If you don't have a dog, you will undoubtedly try other potential remedies, almost all of which will fail. Some, however, do work well, when they are used carefully. For example, every spring I buy about a hundred bars of the original Irish Spring soap. I put one box by every hosta plant, just as the leaf stalks are beginning to emerge from the soil. The growing leaves soon obscure the soap, and the deer never touch them. If I wait until the deer have sampled a plant or two, I will lose the battle, as the deer learn that there are goodies beyond the distinctive odor."

I remember reading a thread where someone mentioned the benefits of using Irish Spring soap. But they were not specific about the application. I hope this helps someone.

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