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All of my hostas today- Pic heavy

10 years ago

My U.Albomarginata has 9 scapes and I think more coming up! The "babies" are all still growing and look stunning!

My U. Albomarginata

My Mama Mia so far no scapes but looks very healthy this year!!

My Wheee! It has had 3 scapes so far!

My Minuteman... His brims are looking wider by the day I think! He has a scape coming up. You can't see it in these pics but trust me, it's there!

My Paul's Glory was in a tiny Elle pot when I had it bought for me as a gift... But it's bigger than a couple of my other "babies!"

My Blue Mouse Ears like the Mama Mia it has no scapes yet but I hear dwarf hostas are slow "bloomers" or scapers whatever you want to call them?

My Fortunei Aureomarginata

My Dream Queen

My Fragrant Blue

My Fire and Ice

My Fortunei Hyacinthina

My Fire Island... Which has another "eye" emerging I believe! Can't see in this pic but I'll get shots of it later on.

And last but not least- My Pineapple Upside Down Cake!

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