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New trumpet vine - Dig it up?

15 years ago

I planted an "Indian Summer" Trumpet Vine last fall near the telephone pole in our front yard and it now looks dead to me. I started researching online and apparently that's how they look and they're impossible to kill. All well and good but in the process I was mortified to read all the horror stories about how invasive this plant is.

It's an ugly pole and I planted the vine to cover it up (as well as attract hummers) so I don't mind if it takes over. However, I'm concerned about runners since I have other plants nearby (grasses, perennials, a scotch broom and a little farther away roses and shrubs). Should I do something while the plant is still dormant? What if I dig up the plant and put it in a container with the bottom removed?

Any thoughts?

Comments (5)

  • donaldspencer1904
    15 years ago

    I love the look of trumpet vine, it's a very slow starter in the spring. Just let it grow, cut it back if necessary. I cut off the seed pods if any of the flowers produce any. Mine took three years before I got the first flowers.
    I've actually found that red honeysuckle seems to attract way more hummingbirds than the trumpet vine does. It flowers early, and keeps flowering into a fall. I have both growing on trellises attached to my deck, both need trimming a bit, but well worth it in my view, nothing quite like relaxing on the deck with my camera, waiting for hummers :)

    Here is a link that might be useful: hovering hummer

  • mbuckmaster
    15 years ago

    Native honeysuckle is a better overall choice for the average garden; no question. But if it's in the ground and you don't mind that it takes over, it's not terrible to leave it. It is pretty carefree and will attract hummers without doubt! certainly will take over. =)

  • cammonro
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Thanks for your thoughts! I actually do have honeysuckle on other parts of the property and have had good success with attracting hummers. I planted the trumpet vine near the road and not near the house because I heard they can be aggressive. Even so still sounds a little scary but I guess I'll see how she does... any suggestions on containing those runners? I may just cut open a plastic container and create a barrier on the side facing the property away from the road to keep her confined...

  • tn-blue
    15 years ago

    Just mow around it if possible. I've been trying to kill one for 3 years that I planted right next to the concrete floor of my shed, and it's still sending up small runners. Yes, I've sprayed them with Roundup, and they seem to be dead, but like Burmuda Grass the roots are so deep they eventually make it to the top of the ground.

    Trumpet Vine and Cross Vine need to be planted where they can be controlled, but some people have happy vines that are well behaved.

    Also, my swarms of hummers prefer the honeysuckle, and "Texas Sage" that reseeds wonderfully.

    However, I do love Trumpet Vine in spite of the wasps that also love it, so may let one of the "slips" grow. I've noticed along the country roads that the Trumpet Vines have been topped, and do really well. Maybe the soil isn't as rich in those spots.

  • finchelover
    15 years ago

    when we moved on this farm there were trumpet vines growing up cedar trees all over the garden, It took me 20 years to get rid of all that all I can say is watch it like a Wistera vine because they are real invasive.