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Experimental Images as Plants-related Damages by Pillbugs

9 years ago

The pillbug is a kind of organism which has good ventilation like an earthworm. On the other hand, sowbugs are sharply defined as living things that harm other plants, nibbling away their roots, stems and leaves in encyclopedias in Korea.
These two kinds of organisms are classified as the same suborder and those who believe this fact are very confused because both the bugs� exterior shapes and their roles in the ecosystem are similar.
One large point of difference between the two organisms goes like this:
A pillbug is capable of rolling its body but regrettably, a sowbug is incapable.
According to foreign literature materials, when the number of these bugs increases excessively, both of them can cause damage by gnawing other plants. A lot of damage by pillbugs can be found in many cases but there is no specific evidence (pictures, writings) that is related to damages by sowbugs.
As a matter of fact, after inserting pillbugs and sowbugs within styrofoam ,
we�ve observed their activities. As a result of this observation , we discovered that pillbugs damaged stems of crops and nibbled the leaves. Contrary to our expectations, sowbugs never harmed other plants.
Especially , the damage by pillbugs is being witnessed remarkably in the scope of Solanaceae like tomato , eggplant and young paprika than any other plant. We knew that pillbugs were likely to nibble nine out of ten stems. After all ,they caused plants to die when farmers planted tomato seeds , according to an interview with an organic tomato planter.
This picture shows pillbugs nibbling leaves and stems.
Through these facts , we learned that pillbugs are not beneficial for farming.
If one overlooks this situation, one will have a lot of possibilities that cause damage on produce and for a long time. Beliefs that we�ve believed can be wrong. (At least, it was proved by result of our experiments.). Misknowledge that someone suggested is the outcome at somebody registering the contents without re-verification. And it is a result of reckless utilization without perceiving.
So, we�d like to listen to your opinion on this.


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