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20 years ago

Don't know how many people are interested in these intriguing and unusual plants, but for those of you who are I'd like to invite you to check out the Festival des Fleurs in Lafayette this week-end. There have been previous notices of the festival, but maybe you hadn't decided to come. One person brought twelve different plants, two collections of five and two individual blooming specimens, and they are some of the most exciting plants I've seen in some time. I like to think I know a little about plants, but I'm always tickled when I'm reminded of how little I actually do know. I thought I'd remember names better--I'll have to take a pad tomorrow--but there was a ficus, and a euphorbia, and Adenium obesum (the only one I have!) Some of them weren't even in the books we had for classification. One of the show officials was offended because, she said, some of them were 'just a bunch of dead sticks.' The euphorbia is a little knotted pile of prickly rope with a number of bell flowers so small we were using a magnifying glass to appreciate them. All I can say is, WOW! And come see for yourselves! They're in the garden club show. There are lots and lots of other things to see too.

Comments (10)

  • madabouteu
    20 years ago

    Many caudiciforms do very well in our climate; in nature they are used to having ample moisture part of the year and being dormant during the dry times. I simply place them under shelter during that time and keep them almost bone dry. Adenium does well bt is touchy if watered too soon - I have several rot on me. Pachypodiums also do quite well. The Madagascan euphorbias do well here in New Orleans, while some of the caudiciforms in that genus from mainland Africa can be touchy though others thrive. Dioscorea, Bowiea, Fockea, Raphionacme - the vining types of caudiciforms are especially good here; Ipomoea platense, with twisted roots, is a particular favorite of mine.

  • greenelbows
    Original Author
    20 years ago

    I was thinking about you especially when I posted, tho' I hope there are others interested! The euphorbia I mentioned in my opening post was E. francoisii (I'm assuming the 'eu' of your name is for euphorbia, and I think it's a great name) There were two Jatrophas, bereadiari (hope I read my writing correctly!) and of course J. podacrica. Two pachypodiums, succulentum and lealii saundersii. Fockea edulis, Ficus petiolaris, Bombax ellipticum, Brachychiton rupestris, and Entonophragma caudatum (that's one we couldn't find in either Exotica or the Am. Hort. Society book.) And the Adenium I mentioned. That's a pretty interesting bunch, wouldn't you say? I'm still excited! There were a couple of large adeniums in full bloom for sale, at reasonable prices too, and I was tempted but I figured mine will be that big in a couple years. Think I lost my A. multiflorum this winter--watered it a couple times and I probably shouldn't have. Good growing!

  • rcalhoun
    20 years ago

    Sorry I missed it. I love my pachy leeriis though they are small. And I have a few other caudiforms.

  • madabouteu
    20 years ago

    The species you could not find in Exotica - it's a South African treee, caudiciform when young. I think the name is mispelled, though.

    Yes, the "eu" does indicate a fomdness for the Madagascan euphorbias - I have francoisii, capsaintemariensis, croizatii, several types of millii, and others whose name I cannot remember right now. I have tried rossii several times and keep losing it. E. squarrosa, a mainland caudiciform, will grow here also.

  • greenelbows
    Original Author
    20 years ago

    In my wanderings around the web today I ran across a E. francoisii which didn't look anything like the one in the show, so now I wonder if anything else was mislabled (or if the website's one was.) Any misspelling is undoubtedly due to my inability to read my own writing, which is not the best these days and was further complicated by having to write in mid-air while carrying on conversations with show visitors and friends at the same time!

  • Gardenboys
    19 years ago

    Recently acquired a caudiciform I can't ID. Can anyone help? It is wonderful with a caudex about 4" square...almost fills a 5" pot...shaped like a bishops cap and out of this rises a 12" tall plant with leaves similar to those of Ficus elastica. I assumed that for this reasonthat the plant too was a Ficus. If anyone recognizes what it is I'd appreciate knowing. Greg

  • madabouteu
    19 years ago

    Perhaps you have Ficus palmeri - do a Google image search on that and see if it matches. One that size would be a real prize!

  • Gardenboys
    19 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestion, Mad, but there is a new twist. I now believe the "caudex" is a seed case so that would change everything. Also I wondered if you are familiar with a Euphorbia which seems to have the spines of E. grandicornus and the markings of E. pseudocactus. Have you ever come upon such a cross? I just acquired it locally along with E. Ammak. What gems. Any ideas?

  • angelonia_anne
    14 years ago

    I purchase a Desert Rose at Walmart a month ago and when I got it home I noticed it had spider mites. The infestation didn't seem serious, and it only dropped 2 yellowed leaves, so I decided to keep the plant and see if I could cure it.

    I sprayed the plant with Garden Safe Insect Spray and It looked better for awhile like the infestation had been nipped in the bud. Then I decided I wanted to re-pot it because a couple of the top roots weren't covered with soil.

    I removed all the soil, and sprayed it again. I sprayed the root ball also because I did not want the mites to hide anywhere on the plant. Now it is dropping leaves again and it looks like all the leaves are starting to yellow.

    What did I do wrong, and do you think the plant will come back?

  • petite_orange
    14 years ago

    Hi - I think covering "the top roots that weren't covered with soil" is a major error. Most of us who grow these move them up higher (more out of the soil, so the base is more exposed) with every repotting.
    I suspect that once the base has been grown outside, and hardened off, it would react poorly to covering.
    I grow these in full sun, potted (high) in about half sharp sand (construction grade, not sandbox grade) and half any good potting mix.
    So long as the caudex is still firm and hard, hope is not lost. These do lose their leaves in winter, and can lose them kind of randomly at other times. They often flower without leaves - very arresting!
    BTW, spider mites are not insects, so insecticides are ineffective.
    Regards - Nancy
