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Selling peas

19 years ago

My peas just finished bearing and I am rippimg them out to replant in the space, but I'm interested in others experiences selling them.

I had snap peas and snow peas. Most other sellers here had ordinary shelling peas, a few had some "edible pod peas" which I think were snaps, but not many, and only one week. Maybe they kept all the rest and ate them themselves :)

I priced mine quite high: CN$2 for a 4oz bag, and one week when I had LOTS, CN$3.50 for an 8oz bag. Other sellers were selling their shelling peas for CN$2.50 per large bag: looked like at least 1lb, maybe more. I sold out of both snaps and snows every week because peas are GREAT for sampling: offer passers-by one, ready-stringed, and about 50% will try it, and of those about 50% will buy. These are people who otherwise would not even have stopped, probably were not even there to buy produce. Lots of people had never tried edible pod peas: I had to tell them to "eat the whole thing, pod and all" (and even at that some people didn't get it and shelled out the peas to eat :) ). It's great handing out a sample, seeing someone bite into it, hearing the "crunch" from 6 feet away, and seeing their eyes go wide in surprise.

This year I only made one planting of each kind, which was a mistake. Next year I will try planting 3 batches at 4 week intervals to stretch out the season.

Total harvest off a 20-ft quadruple row was 25lb snap peas, and off the same size planting, 12lb snow peas.


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