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Growers of cole crops--how to get rid of harlequins?


I'm not a market grower, but I figure anyone here who is trying to grow lots of these for a profit might be able to advise me.

We have been battling harlequin beetles (bugs) on all of our cole crops. We've been trying to stay organic and sprayed thrice with neem/pyrethrin/rotenone (not sure which was used as I am not the spray-er). Nothing has worked. We had to sacrifice all our broccoli and brussels sprouts to the trash bin and now the remaining colorful b*st*rds are after the new raab and kale.

We're covering the remaining bed, but I'd like to know how to prevent them from gaining a foothold next year and if there is anything that can destroy these buggers. I did read that Maryland growers lost much of their crop to this pest.

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