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I need Passiflora seeds - I will trade cutting and/or plants

14 years ago

Hello fellow Passie fanatics!

I am attending the Passiflora Society International meeting in France this fall. Being that I live in California, my chances of getting live plant material back home is nearly zip. Instead, I plan on trading seeds. In order for me to do this, I need to have some seeds to trade, and I currently have very few.

I have a decent Passiflora collection, but very few seeds that are not hybrids that I have created. In the past, I have not considered it important to keep species seeds. Now that I am planning this trip, my priorities have altered somewhat.

What I am searching for MOST is seeds of Passifloras that are naturally found in North America, such as:

P. incarnata

P. lutea

P. tenuiloba

P. pallida

P. pallens

P. foetida

P. suberosa

P. affinis

P. bryonoides

P. mexicana

P. ciliata

P. arida

P. gracilis

I would be interested in having as fresh of seeds as possible. I also want to be able to positively identify the seeds as definitely the species named that I am giving away. In other words, if you are not absolutely sure which Passiflora you have, I would not want it UNLESS you can provide me with pictures of the leaves at very least, and flowers would be obviously preferred.

In exchange for your generous seed gathering, I would be happy to send you cuttings or even rooted plants of anything that is of sufficient size to do so from our collection. Please see my trade list by linking through my username. As of today, the list is a few months old, but it is still pretty close to accurate. I will update our trade list in spring, when I can thoroughly examine my plants. Right now, that is a bit tough to do.

I do not expect this trade to be immediate, as the season is just beginning. However, I will be bringing the subject back up many times throughout the year before September, when the PSI meeting begins.

Thank you so much for reading this novel, and especially if you can help out with our endeavor.

Happy gardening!!

Eric and Crystal

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