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Maturing passiflora seeds


I think I killed my incensia. I'd planted it in entirely the wrong spot and decided it needed moving. It did not come up in a ball of roots, rather just all the stems pulled out of the soil with about 6-12" of white stem with very few roots. Now all those vines are dead.

Of course, the little suckers keep popping up in a 10-12' radius around the original location and I've been carefully digging those up and potting and babying. So, I think I've got some clones that I can plant again next spring.

My question is: There was a semi-ripe fruit on the vine when I pulled it up (it was partly wrinkled) and I snipped it off and put it on my kitchen counter to finish ripening. That was about 10 days ago. Today I noticed that the thing has firmed up again and almost all the wrinkles are gone (cool if I could duplicate this on my face). Am I wasting my time waiting for ripening that will never happen?


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