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Best Passionflowers for pots in northern climates

15 years ago

What Passifloras grow and bloom the best in pots indoors most of the year and outdoors for 3-4 months during summer? I have tried several kinds and have only had success with P. x belotii, which I am very impressed with. Passiflora x belotii blooms nearly all year indoors and outdoors. I have grown several others but eventually tossed them out. P. caerulea grew like crazy for several years and never bloomed, P. coccinea never grew at all and eventually died, and P. "Incense" grew very well but only had 2-4 flowers a year. I would love to grow more kinds of passionflowers but don't want to waste my time (and limited space) trying to grow ones that won't perform.


Comments (4)

  • peonyman
    15 years ago


    Several years ago I purchased an unlabelled passion vine at a regional flower and garden show. I have since identified the plant as P alano-caerulea. I have it growing in a 10-12 gallon plastic pot. The pot originally did not come with any holes in it and I drilled an oversized hole in each corner.

    In the spring after the weather becomes reliably warm I move the pot to its outside located next to a trellis. The pot sits directly on the soil and the roots quickly grow through the holes and into the ground. Within a month or 6 weeks the plant begins to bloom. I would estimate that I have over 200 blooms per year. The plant is sterile and does not set fruit so it puts all of its energy into bloom.

    Before the first frost I cut the vine back hard to get it off the trellis and I have to cut the roots with pruning sheers to get the pot lose from the ground. Some years the plant seems to sulk due to the large amount of root loss. I move it to my unheated garage for the winter. The garage is cold but it does not freeze.

    I am probably located farther south than you but I highly recommend this passion vine. A photo that I took a few years ago is below.


  • giantslug
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Passiflora x belotii and Passiflora alata-caerulea are the same plant. Passiflora x belotii is the name of the hybrid of P. alata and P. caerulea. My potted Passiflora x belotii is outside from May until October, and I bring it in and keep it in a south window for winter. It blooms from March til December, and has several big fragrant flowers on it every day during its blooming season. I would like to know if there are any other Passionflowers that are this easy to grow and bloom!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Passiflora x belotii photos and information

  • karyn1
    15 years ago

    I grow a number of passies and the majority are in containers. All do well but some bloom much later in the season. Alata, Platyloba & Triloba all bloom very late in the summer for me. You both are in colder zones then I am and might not have enough warm weather to get blooms unless you have a good grow light set up inside. Those varieties have gorgeous flowers and I'd definitely give them a try. Maybe they just bloom late for me??? Lavender Lady, Vitifolia, Lady Margaret, Sunburst, Incense, Violetta, Amethystina, Susam Brigham, Coral Seas, Morifolia, Aurantia, Citrina, Edulis and Flying V are some that I can think of offhand that bloom early and often and do well in containers.

  • chills71
    15 years ago

    My best bloomers are Lavender Lady and P. Capsularis. Both of them have bloomed both indoors as well as outdoors for me (though Capsularis is more shy indoors).

    Of my 10, these two are the most consistant bloomers (well these and Incarnata which blooms its head off from late Aug to October). Lady Margaret has been good, as has Incense (but shy). Vitifolia was my first passionflower and I was not upset to see it die this past summer (and I have not and do not plan on replacing it).

    I have three different Caerulea and though all of them have grown well for me, I've yet to see a bloom on one of them. (one of these is outside and returns for me with minimal protection)

    Root out Belotti and I just might have a trade for Capsularis for you this spring.
