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What new flowers are you planting in your Potager this year?

18 years ago

I got some old-fashioned flower seeds in a trade that I have been very anxious to grow. It's called, "Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate". Just the name brings up images from Victorian days, doesn't it? What a great name!

Anyone grow this? I am wondering how it will do in hot and often humid Oklahoma summers in full sun? How about on the north side of a south fence so it's feet would be in the shade and would stay more moist and cool, but the leaves and flowers would grow up toward the sun and hopefully hang over the garden fence by the gate??? :)

I also got some Helenium seeds in another trade and I am so anxious to grow them. Beautiful, beautiful flowers! Many English and Irish Cottage gardens have them. I think they would be lovely in with veggies and herbs in the Potager, too, maybe near Lamb's Ears.

These will be my two new flowers to grow this year in my Potager.

What are some new things you want to plant in your Potager this year?

~ SweetAnnie4u

Comments (9)

  • girlgroupgirl
    18 years ago

    I am trying Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate again. So far no germination. It needs a cold period to germinate apparently. I don't think we get cold enough in Atlanta to get it going! But I have had it sent to me, and it grows well in heat and humidity as long as it gets enough moisture. Helenium again, also needs cold to germinate. It is perennial and gorgeous. I have an orange. There is now a beautiful double yellow variety on the market I would love to get my hands on. It is hard to find here. Not many people grow it. It did beautifully for me last year!!
    I just added some tiny little "Tiny Hot" peppers to the potager. Their colors are the rainbow in little tiny marbles! Between them will go Solan or Dwarf Tiger Eye marigolds which just fly through heat and humidity like no other marigold I've ever grown!! I planted seedlings of those (they re-seed into the pebble paths of the cottage garden). Some dwarf creeping zinnias will also go in. I'm mainly looking to add flowers to the perimeter of the beds, and keep the interiors colorful with the veggies.

    I planted Spiranthes too. Also called Eyeball or Toothache plant. They are red and yellow and would look great with the marigolds.

    Sunday I plant to begin doing a lagsana bed adjacent to the raised beds of the potager area...a friend is moving and giving me rose after rose...and I have some shrubs...something to hide the chain link.


  • Annie
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    Hey GGG,

    Thanks for the information about both of those flowers. I didn't know they had to be vernalized to get them to bloom. I may try fooling those seeds by putting them in my refrigerator (Vernalizing them) and then planting them. Wonder how much cold time they require???


  • girlgroupgirl
    18 years ago

    KMOGG takes more cold time. Why not try refridgerating, then warm, then throw in freezer, then fridge, then warm..that should speed the process up (and that is true vernalizing, the warm/cold wacky thing). Just refriging takes more time.
    I froze for 1 week, refridgerated for 2 weeks, then stuck outside earlier, maybe in February and I have some good germination from those plants.

    Why not try, save half of the seed if you can. If it does't work out you could winter sow them next year in the fall.


  • Annie
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    I vernalized some already - the ones I WS in that sorry potting soil. They didn't germinate, so I dumped out the contents in the garden soil next to the garden gate. We shall see if they will grow or not. I sure hope they do.
    I did the same thing with the pots of hollyhock seeds and penstemon.

  • zinniamama
    18 years ago

    They are new to me, though they have been around a long time-lemon gem marigolds. I always plant marigolds in the veggie garden, but these are supposed to be edible and very pretty and tasty in salads. I dont have many flowers in my potager, they are mainly in the beds around the house. But I am doing sweet peas and cosmos! Has anyone here planted chamomile? It has such pretty daisy like mini flowers, I thought it might be a nice it invasive at all? Brenda

  • Annie
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    Chamomile is NOT invasive.
    It is a small annual plant with feathery foliage. It will reseed itself, but is not a pest. It is a lovely addition to any sunny garden!

    And, Oh, yes! I have always wanted to grow the Lemon Gem Marigold, too. Let me know if it really is lemony and a "gem". :)

    Anybody grow Lemon Cucumbers? I just love them! They make round, yellow "cukes" the size of a big lemon and about the same shape and color. It is an heirloom veggie with good old-Cucumbery taste and naturally burpless. Great fresh or for making pickles or Chow Chow. (Not a hybrid, but I have no disease or fungal problems with it whatsoever).


  • Annie
    Original Author
    18 years ago

    I planted some Thunbergia seeds (Black-eyed Susan vine) last week along the fence by the gate and at the base of an old tree stump in the garden. Hope they sprout and grow soon! The seed packet states 7-10 days.

  • stacyp9
    18 years ago

    I admit it, my pseudo-potager garden is a little heavy on the perennials. In my defense it is too cold to put most of the veggies out and all of that empty soil has been crying to be filled by perennials from the nursery.

    I have planted heliopsis, a crisp white and green, varigated variety, gladiolas, canna (to hide the ugly tomatoes behind), delospema, larkspur, catmint, sedum (vera jameson), shasta daisy, nasturium, and a few others.

  • crazymo
    18 years ago

    I found some white cosmo seeds that I think will be beautiful, and I fiund a real unique morning glory seed that is a dark blue double with a white picotee edge. I'm going to combine them with purple pole beans. I also got some peach melba and salmon baby nasturtiums...usually I plant the typical red yellow and orange. I would like to try the lemon gem marigolds, might just have to send for some. The weather here in Minnesota is just warm enough to start planting some stuff now. I envy some of you that have so much up already!