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best pay method for independent designers working for nurseries

12 years ago


I am an independent designer (+maintenance/consulting) that has just recently been asked by a local nursery to do design work for them. I would not be staff, but contracted as needed. My question is for other independent designers out there that have done this type of work or are currently doing it. Do you get paid hourly, or by a certain percentage rate of the overall job cost? Also, how do you ensure payment for a design if the client decides to not use the nursery for plants or install after you've already completed the design? Any other advice? Pros vs Cons? Horror stories? Thanks in advance for your expertise!

Comments (4)

  • marcinde
    12 years ago

    Here's how my relationship with a garden center works: an on-site consultation is $75 (split with the nursery) which is applied towards any installation work they do with the nursery. This is a really important thing, because I've learned that you get a LOT of tire kickers and brain pickers through a nursery. I had one woman want me to come out and tell her where to place the two flats of annuals she bought with a Groupon and she was FURIOUS that there was a charge to come out. Seriously.

    That consultation buys you my eyes and a conversation. I use my judgement; if it's a small, quick planting screen or something I'll figure it out on the spot and quote it out, but anything more involved I don't draw a thing without a design fee.

    Once I sell an install the nursery then pays me a percentage for the sale and to manage the install. Usually that involves laying the job out and talking through the plan with the guys, although there have been more complex jobs. And there was the time I got to stand in the November rain with the crew, the homeowner, and the fire department after someone slammed a pick through a gasline.

    The bottom line is they're providing you with a lead source, which is great. Just don't forget that you're providing them with an opportunity to get a lot more exposure and sales. Get paid.

  • mojo4
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Thanks so much marcinde! I charge for consultations now, (like you said, you get a lot of 'tire kickers' or people that want something for nothing!) but that's a good idea to split with the nursery and at least get something up front, plus incentive for clients to use the nursery for install. I prefer the percentage idea for the install-just makes sense to me, but others in my area seem to do only hourly for the design. What range of percentage are we talking here? I'm not sure what the adverage is nationwide. I'm in the mid-west. Thanks again!

  • marcinde
    12 years ago

    Across the country I see it range from 7-15%. 7 seems low to me on a small planting job; I'd shoot for 10-12, personally.

  • mojo4
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Thanks so much Marcinde-I agree 7 seems low. 10-12 sounds reasonable.
