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Autumn Fantasy

13 years ago

I have about 20 tomato plants in containers; 3 to 15 gallons with most about 6 galllons.

I fantasize that i can put them on or into some type of wheeled contraption and wheel them into my 10x10 tent greenhouse come October.

Then I can keep them warm, happy and productive till almost thanksgiving.

Maybe some little red wagons linked together, maybe some huge contraption that carries them all. (I am a Red Green kind of DIYer, a card carrying member)

do other people have fantasies like this? Is mine semi realistic?

D in Colo springs

Comments (7)

  • gjcore
    13 years ago

    Is the greenhouse real or part of the fantasy? :-)

  • col_sprg_maters
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    AS I look out the bedroom window I see a tent greenhouse.
    As I go out the rear door of my house-- turn left, walk about 20 steps, I touch a greenhouse. There is a charge on my visa card, and a new shadow from the sun's rays.

    So I am thinking it is a real greenhouse. I hope. I have had more vivid fantasies, but not in a loooong time.


  • gjcore
    13 years ago

    It sounds really good. A design is needed for the green house.

  • digit
    13 years ago

    I so much admire creativity. But here I am, an entire lifetime, down in the weeds/stuck in the mud.

    I remember telling an architect friend, not to allow my building projects to turn out totally functional. But, I can't help it and he doesn't step in during those critical moments.

    The last thing I asked him about was a chicken tractor. He hasn't come thru again! If I build this thing and it looks like a wheelbarrow or something . . . a wheelbarrow, hmmmm . . .


  • jclepine
    13 years ago

    I love this idea! While you're at it, could you build me a red wagon train for the dogs? Come to think of it, I could use a red wagon train for the neighbors chickens...not really but the idea of a bunch of little chicks being pulled behind is quite nice.

    I keep my tomatoes in pots and my guy brings them in for odd weather, hail, high gusts. And, when it gets to winter, we put them in front of the inside of the house where the giant windows are. They like it for a little while then they start to complain about the lack of daylight hours.

    This year, we've got thirteen. That is far greater than the usual two. Yeah, I'd like several wagon trains please. Actually, I'll take a green house too!

  • col_sprg_maters
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Could the dogs be trained to pull the wagon train for treats?

    Build a little track that goes around the yard and back to the GH?

    Or- Batteries, a little motor and sensors. Too cold, too windy, sun going down, too rainy.... head to the Barn (GH) Sunny outside, nice temp, no wind .. out of the GH onto the track. Or Maybe just a manual remote control?


  • jclepine
    13 years ago

    I might just train them! They are not getting pulled in a wagon train because A. I don't have any wagons and B. One of them dug the veggie seedlings up when I went to turn the water on.

    I finally finished fencing the veggies in, right that second!
