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Fruit and nut trees

14 years ago

Hi everybody. I bought a new place last fall, and have 1/3 acre of plantable yard including a huge right of way.

So I would like suggestions on varieties that people have tried here:

1. Pear - currently planning to try Harrow's Delight and Potomac for high fruit quality and fire blight resistance.

2. Peach or nectarine - I want a large delicious fruit with minimal problems (doesn't everybody?). At my old place the nectarines never got very big or sweet, but were very so-so.

3. Plum - don't know. I had a Japanese red variety at my old place that was very sweet, and never seemed to have the curilio.

4. Hazelnut - I assume an improved variety.

5. Pistachio?

6. Hardy pecan - found a place that sells a reasonably good and hardy pecan. I know a tree in American Fork that produces. I am less windy and a tad warmer here. The trees will be planted on the south side of the house where the snow tends to melt off.

7. Have an unknown apple - probably Lodi - which I am still pruning fire blight out of.

8. Only tree I have planted is the Utah giant cherry. It is doing well.