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Seed Savers Webinars

Hi all,

i get emails from Seed Savers and the most recent one has an article about their Webinar series. Thought possibly somebody around here might be interested in some of this info so I'm gonna link to the page with the 2013 Webinar Series info. The past archived ones are all available to watch online--if you click on any of the archived ones (or the little box that says: Seed Savers Webinar Archive) you'll get a page with all of them listed where you can click on any to watch it. I don't know this for sure, but I suspect if you register for and watch them when they're live that you can ask questions at the end! If anybody actually does watch one live, you might want to report back here for others.

If nobody replies I'll bump this down in a week or two!


Here is a link that might be useful: Seed Savers Exchange - Webinars