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Beauties up close

dublinbay z6 (KS)
11 years ago

Not all my roses have started into their second blooming cycle, but a number have and are beautiful. Enjoy!

Chrysler Imperial (HT)--born to be photographed, no doubt about it.


Chrysler Imperial (HT)-- Let's face it--she has no bad side.


Memoire (HT)--a new one in my garden. Seems to be very good on the re-bloom and so far, no big disease problems. I'm liking this one a lot.


Jubilee Celebration (Austin)--another one that the camera just loves.


Gypsy Carnival (HT)--gorgeous blooms, but my camera doesn't do a good job of capturing the yellow at the base of each petal.


Gypsy Carnival (HT)--again, hard to see the yellow at the base, but otherwise a wonderful bloom.

Elle (HT)--as the season progresses, this bloom will get more pastel pink.

Red Intuition (HT)--new this year, and I'm loving this stripey. Seems to be doing well on the re-bloom and disease hasn't been a big problem.


Buff Beauty (hybrid musk)--just one bloom standing there rather exquisitely--not even a typical BB bloom (too apricot)--but there it stands saying "take my picture too." So I did.


Don't know why I didn't take a picture of the new Lady of Shalott (Austin) I stood and admired this morning. Perhaps I'll start a new thread on it tomorrow. : )


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