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Pink rambler

16 years ago

I've searched all the posts and found nothing that looks like the plant I picked out of the back of a greenhouse today, of course untagged.

It's a multiflora, pink, and probably a rambler. I was told it's been in this five gallon pot for three plus years (and totally ignored), but is doing beautifully, better than the pampered roses out front, and blooming like crazy.

It's got many large (7+ blooms) clusters of flowers with twenty petals per bloom. Each bloom is a round flat flower, fully opened so that the stamen shows fully but no recurve. Just flat, or ever so slightly cupped on some, though I suspect that means they're not fully opened.

Stamen is bright yellow. Heart is white with white stripes extending the length of the center of internal petals. Each bloom is the size of a bottle cap, or a quarter.

Color on the bottom is similar to top, but a bit more silver or lavender than top. Exterior petals lack stripe. No central petals droop or fold over stamen. The bloom is (to my nose) unscented.

I can't tell if it's a repeat bloom, but I suspect so, since it's still putting on buds and has clearly been in bloom for a while. There are no hips.

Buds are round and fuzzy. I can't tell if it's moss, but it does smell when you rub it. The smell is distinctly like black pepper.

Leaves are long, narrow, evenly spaced on the stem. Stipule is lightly fringed just at the top, and there's a red stripe down the center, only visible when you pull off a leaflet. There is no red edging on the leaves themselves.

Best of all, when all around is blackspotty and mildewed, this one's got neither problem. It seems a little starved, so the leaves are slightly yellow, but otherwise healthy as anything.

The plant is thorny, with slight prickles all over except on the leaves, and long sturdy thorns, curved downwards, on all canes. Canes are slender, flexible and arching. There are a lot of them.

Thanks for any help you can give me. I don't have pictures now, but might be able to get some tomorrow -- husband took the camera on a trip with him.
