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Earth Day/Rachel Carson

10 years ago

We have entered March and since some folks like to celebrate Earth Day on the spring equinox and others on April 22nd, I find myself pondering what I have mostly taken for granted for decades.

Unlike young folks, I remember public trucks spraying our neighborhood with a fine mist of what was very likely DDT.

I also remember that practice came to an abrupt halt within a year of the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.

In the last year or so, I've wondered how would I answer if a child should ask me: "Who is (are) your hero(es)?"

Is it possible to have a hero in the late 20th/21st century with all I've seen?

I realized this week that Rachel Carson is one of my heroes. Ms. Carson is probably my number 1 hero. And I'll go further; I think Rachel Carson is one of the most important people of the 20th century.

I have been able to take most environmental issues for granted for decades now because she lived, understood, wrote, and brought about change for all of us.

Similarly, Earth Day which in no small way was Senator Gaylord Nelson's way of celebrating, and I think more importantly, of reminding us to be ever vigilant of the need to protect our environment, our Earth, has become something mostly taken for granted as well. It's a children's day now - a plant a tree day like Arbor Day.

Earth Day isn't Arbor Day.

I have decided that this year, I will remember that. I will remember Rachel Carson's work and remember that I must remain vigilant.

Please join me.

If you don't know who Rachel Carson is, then please research and learn about her. And if you do, then please remember and be thankful with me for the changes she inspired a generation to make. And let us not forget.

Thank you.