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It rooted! Now what do I do?

15 years ago

IÂm so excited! ItÂs been maybe a week or two since I checked on my rose cuttings. They all died except for this little guy. It has lots of little leaves and one tiny root coming out of the bottom of the pot. This has been my forth attempt trying to start roses from cuttings, and they always die on me. I havenÂt gotten this far with roses, and I donÂt know what I should do next.

It might be a Margo. Not sure. Its mother is a tall climbing plant with almost non-stop small (miniature) salmon blooms. ItÂs absolutely beautiful!

IÂve kept it under a plastic covered tray. IÂd like to get it out as soon as possible because IÂm afraid it might start to rot (like the others) if I keep it under there too long.

Questions: Should I transplant it into a larger pot first? Or should I harden it off first? ItÂs in a 2" pot now. Should I wait longer for more roots to develop? When I do transplant it, what type of soil should I use?

I really want this one to make it. Any other tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Tiny Root

My rooted cutting

I've been keeping it in one of these trays.

Comments (5)

  • ramblinrosez7b
    15 years ago

    Hi radiantjade,

    If it were me I would really make sure you have a good root system before transplanting it to a bigger pot. If it does, then you could just tip the pot over and tap it a few times on the bottom and lift it out into another pot filled with potting soil, I use miracle gro. Water it well and then place it in a semi-shaded area for about 2 weeks then gradually put it in the sun, preferably morning sun. I hope it grows well for you, good luck.
    btw, where did you purchase that big dome tray? Its really nice.

  • radiantjade
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi Ramblinrose,
    Thank you so much for the advice. I will let it root a little bit more. I just peeked under the pot again and there is another tiny root popping out. Yippy!

    I actually bought the propagation tray & dome at a hydroponics store that recently went out of business, but you should be able to find them at any hydroponics store. The tray was $1.00 & the dome was $5.49. I got one for a friend out of town for about $10.00, but the lid wasnÂt a good match to the tray, so it wasnÂt able to condensate. So if you find them, be sure itÂs a good fit. IÂve found another hydroponics store here in town, but they donÂt have the same type as mine. I love mine because it has a built-in handle on top which comes in really handy. It also has adjustable vents built-in on the top. I pretty much always leave the vents all the way open, and itÂs still able to condensate inside. I also love the tray because the raised parts are rounded which allow the water to roll off. The others that IÂve seen have flat raised ridges which I would think could cause the bottoms of the pot to still sit in a little water.

    This propagation dome is the greatest thing ever. I loved mine so much, I had to get a second one. IÂve started so many cuttings using this thing that IÂve almost filled my flowerbeds with plants I started in it. I donÂt ever want to go back to rooting cuttings the way I use to. What a nightmare! I used to use soda bottles and water bottles. I also used to use stakes inside of pots to prop the plastic bags off the plant leaves. Then I would rubber-band bags around the pot. Talk about a nightmare! My wooden stakes would get moldy inside, the bags would always find a way to stick to the leaves, and every couple of days I had to readjust things and blow air back into them. After all of that work, hardly anything would survive.


  • ramblinrosez7b
    15 years ago

    Hi RadiantJade,

    Thanks for the information on the dome tray, I am searching the web now under hydroponics and coming up with some interesting units for growing plants. I don't have a hydroponics store anywhere close to me. I have been using just some rubbermaid tubs and some clear plastic barrels over some of my cuttings and they seem to work okay except the one cutting (which I got from a very special friend) is growing so big that I had to put it in a plastic tub turned sideways. Here are some pictures. I have a bud just about to open on this plant.


    Here is the barrel that I use, it fits perfectly over some of my pots. I like to keep my roses covered when I have them inside over winter for 2 reasons, building up humidity for the rose and I don't have to water as much and also to ward off spider mites.

    Here is my setup for my seedlings, I use a rubbermaid plastic tub with a clear lid under the lights.


    And this is what I use to plant my seeds in until they germinate.


    Here is a plastic container I found that is used for gift wrapping tubes but of course when I saw this my eyes were like "how can I fit a rose plant into this"? The lid is on the floor next to it. With the lid on, it stands about 4 ft. high. It works great for tall plants.

    I'm really into plastic....LOL!


    Next year I am really hoping I will have a set up out in my garden shed or if I can I would love to get a small greenhouse....maybe some day.

  • radiantjade
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi Ramblinrosez,
    Those are some great ideas that I had never thought of. The seedling cup is nice to get some deep roots started. This gives me a good reason to treat myself to chocolate shakes and slurpies. Where did you find the tall gift wrap container? I wonder if itÂs something hard to find this time of year. ThatÂs a great idea for the tall ones.
    It would be really nice to have a greenhouse wouldnÂt it? I hope you can get one someday. I think my little propagation domes are about as close as IÂll ever get to having a greenhouse.


  • ramblinrosez7b
    15 years ago

    Hello again,

    I bought the tall gift wrap container at Home Depot around Christmas time. Because of my health I have to watch eating sweets but I got the seedling plastic cups at my local grocery store, they are real nice and give me a bunch of them for only about $3.00.

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