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UPDATE: #8-4th annual whats left on my want list swap

15 years ago

Hi I have not been on I am trying to get the seeds done the last packs are always the hardest people who did not get as many sent as they sent. I spent the entire day yesterday separating the box (a huge one) of pulled out seeds so I can put them in appropriate bags. I have 7 more done to mail tomorrow I am glad all of you are happy with your seeds. I will post tomorrow night.

Comments (121)

  • just1morehosta
    15 years ago

    Sending positive energy to all mail stations,that you will all get your packages today,the wait is so hard to deal with.

    Here seedy,seedy,seedy!(i like this one)

    Every one say it now-

    Here seedy,seedy,seedy.

  • chellflower
    15 years ago

    Wooohoooo!!!! My envie arrived today!!!! And it was soooo worth the wait!!!!!
    OMG'ness, there are so many awesome seeds, most are from my want list!!!!
    I feel like I've won Gardener's Emmy Award!!!LOL ...(speech)...I would love to thank my adoring Fans for all of the support you've sent toward my craft (habit, addiction...). And a big 'thank you' to our Director, Patty, for all of her hard work in putting this together. And of course, a really huge, 'Thank you' to our Producer, the Lord Almighty, for His miraculous creations that provide us with such beauty, food, clean air and all things essential to Life! (...exiting stage to go find a kleenex....)

    Off to update my list!!!! Thank you ALL so much for sharing and especially to those who sent packets marked just for me!!!! Patty thank you so much for hosting this swap has given us all a chance to make so many great garden friends!!!

    I hope you all enjoy your envies as much as I've enjoyed mine!!!!


  • User
    15 years ago

    They're here! If anyone had seen me going through that package, they would've carted me off to the loony bin--all that clapping and giggling and woohoo-ing!
    I'm very happy and would like to thank Patty for all her hard work and thanks to everybody who participated. I had such a great time with this swap! You guys are awesome!!
    Thanks again,

  • ishareflowers {Lisa}
    15 years ago

    I got my package today too! Thank you to everyone who sent in some of my wants and Patty Thank you for taking your time to do this for all of us.


  • pattygrow5
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi all I am so glad you are enjoying your seeds
    I sent 7 more out today
    juliiemn-0308 2040 0002 1724
    esiuol-0308 1400 0001 3876 4005
    kilngod-0308 1400 0001 3876 3992
    ollierose-0308 1400 0001 3876 4012
    kalena67-0308 1400 0001 3876 4029
    proudgmom3-0308 2040 0002 1725 2378
    and my dear Angie-0308 2040 0002 1724 5332
    I only have 3 left
    sguanzon-sandygardens-poisondartfrog and they will be going out tomorrow
    it was 11:30 pm last night I had to pack up about 50 more packs of seeds for the last 3 people I had to get up at 5 am I just had to go to bed. I am trying not to send all of the gallardia and datura to the last 10 people who all sent over 200 so I didn't think you would mind thanks to all of you who sent extra postage cause I am just going to make it one persons cost $8.00 to send.After tonight I can actually winter sow and it's supposed to snow. WOO HOO

  • dirtdiggin
    15 years ago

    :( my package is sitting at the PO...I can't get it 'til tomorrow UGGGHHH another day to wait lol. Hey it's across the water :) Can't wait to check out all those little pkg'd surprises :)

  • just1morehosta
    15 years ago

    Oh,GODDY,Goddy,goddy,i am excited for all of you,i know how i felt when mine came.
    Chell,I loved your acceptance speech,to cute,don't ya just love it when so much enthusiasm is shown,what did you get that was your favorit?Every one?
    Mine was just about every thing,i know that is not fair,seems so generic to say that,but,really,i had nothing,so i am very happy with every thing,And,guess what,i have sowed them all!

  • angelady777 (Angela) - Zone 6
    15 years ago

    WooHooo! I got my package! BUT, I haven't opened it... I wonder if I have enough will power to wait until tomorrow (my birthday)... hmmmm....

    Chell - That's hilarious! I love your speech! Encore, encore! LOL


  • kilngod
    15 years ago

    YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEE! Mine are on their way! Patty you are such a trooper -- I can't believe you stayed up that late. bless your heart.

    (doin' the gonna-git-seeds jig)

  • patty_b
    15 years ago

    Thanks everybody......I won't gush too much because some are still waiting, but this as been absolutely fabulous!!
    It was my first time tracking a parcel...I wasn't even sure where to look for it but soon found it was quite easy! So many great seeds shared by the most kind and caring people on this earth.
    Patty I don't know how you did it...what an awesome job!!

  • morguegirl
    15 years ago


    Open that package girl, It's your birthday somewhere!


  • ptp813
    15 years ago

    Yipee! I got mine today...well tonight after work. :-) And to think, my hubby grabbed it and ran saying he was going to hide it for 3 or 4 days...can you imagine! (I've been saying for the last few package is almost will be here any day now) Of course he was smiling the whole time. I just acted like it was no big deal(yeah right) and said, "go ahead"....then he gave it back and said, "I know you wouldn't be able to sleep all night if I did". LOL

    Thank you all so much. I look forward to some awesome new fresh veggies and beautiful flowers. I already have a few, not as many as I'd hoped, containers ready to winter sow.

    Thank you Patty for the many hours you put into this for all of us.

    Thank you Angie for letting me know about it. This is the best swap I have participated in.

  • chellflower
    15 years ago

    I spent ALL DAY going through my package...what a fun & exciting day!!! Even my 4 year old was Oohing & Aahing over the seeds!! So many wonderful varieties , but I did manage to pick out some of my very faves.....

    Gingko Biloba
    Cerinthe major
    Sea Holly
    Giant Sequoia
    Papaya caribbbean sunrise
    Agastache Golden Jubilee
    Dutchmans pipe vine
    Desert Rose
    Butterfly bush
    baby corn
    watermelon moon & stars
    Crimson clover
    etc, etc, etc!!!!

    Thank you all for your contributions!!!!! And thank you Patty for all of your hard work!!!! (((HUGGS)))


  • grolikecrazy
    15 years ago

    I got my package this evening!!! I couldn't wait to get my stuff done so I could finally open my package and revel in all the seeds you wonderful people sent me. Fortunately the last time I came to this thread I just happened to read thru the rules again and saw Patty's recommendation to what to do even before we open our package-to open a document and be ready to enter each seed as we pull them out of the bag so we can have a record of what was received and thus update our have list in a jiffy, and know exactly what we have on hand.
    So dutifully I put a cushion under my laptop over my lap when nothing else needed my attention , got 2 big ziplock bags to receive edibles and inedibles and opened a new document titled " February Swap Seeds-Received" and started finger picking, took two entire shows to finish recording. Once done I realized that this system accomplished two things:
    1. I have a record of all the seeds I received from Patty's swap that I alphabetized thru ( and saved, ready to copy and paste onto my 'Have' list on my GW page.
    2. That it actually kept me in total control of myself, I was so busy fingerpicking the names of the seeds that I didn't go crazy and roll in my seed packets and crush them!!
    So I guess if you want to take all the insane fun out of it, you can do all of the above. But for me, if I had to do it all over again, this being my very first big swap, I would just ignore everything and just rip the package open, ooh and ahha over every little packets, lay them all over the floor around me until they've all been properly caressed and enjoyed, and then take a deep breath and lay amongs them and roll around, peltering your face with whatever seed packages you can reach and laugh , I mean a real raw guttural laugh, a cleansing long rolling laugh, the kind that brings tears to your eyes. Now don't worry, these tears will not cause your eyes to puff up because these are tears of joy, so go ahead loose it, enjoy it, at least for your first swap. After that, then you can be reasonable and do I did.
    Thank you my friends, you are one in a million, The most generous people I 've ever encountered. I love all the seeds I received, especially my brugs,butterfly bushes, moon and stars watermelon, and so many others I can't remember, so I'll just end this entry and go back and start all over again and take each packet out of both ziplock bags and read and caress and enjoy each packet all over again. Chris

  • angelady777 (Angela) - Zone 6
    15 years ago

    Awwwwww... Chris, a book could be written on the beautiful glimpse you gave us! If ever I see a book that the back page that describes the book is anything like that, I will be certain to buy it no matter the cost! LOL

    Okay, okay... I FINALLY... opened my package... I took Chris's advice and didn't notate nothing (even though my personality would normally record every stroke of the pen on the packets) and just enjoyed relishing in the moment! Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday from all my amazing GW friends, Happy Birthday to me! :-D hee hee

    Whoa, Nellie! Unreal! The teasing and anticipation from all those before me is all grins on my face now! Thank you so very much Patty and all that contributed to this breath-taking moment in my life! :-)

    It seriously just took me 2 hours to go through everything! I wish I could thank everyone personally, but just know that I read every user number and/or name and am so grateful for your generosity! There are a handful of people that send me numerous things that I really wanted (you know who you are) that I didn't have that many things for them in return. I just want to say an extra thank you. Also, several other packets didn't say WHO they were from in any way. I appreciate you all, whoever you are! I am so glad for every single seed that was sent my way. I REALLY appreciate what this did for my garden.

    Can I be COMPLETELY honest here... I wasn't sure that I had that much to send to people and some of the seeds, even if they were common, were the only seeds I had. I literally prayed that God would bless what I sent in and return it several-fold since I was giving it from my heart, even though I wanted to plant several of the items I decided to share with others. Well, I am grateful is all I can say. My prayers were heard. You guys/gals touch my heart deeply!


  • poisondartfrog
    15 years ago

    I wish I had read back over this sooner!! Patty, please don't trouble yourself to make sure I get back as many as I sent! The ones marked specifically for me are fine.
    I hope you got some incredible seeds for yourself; you certainly deserve it.

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    Ok I just tracked mine and it says it arrived at my PO today!!!!!!! Woo Hoo! I am off to the mailbox to see if it is here yet! The suspense is killing me! Thanks so much Patty!:D

    Here I go!

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    I am sitting with a HUGE bubble envy on my lap right now,I havent opened it yet ......I am on my way to the basement to open this up and do all my squealing before the family gets home!!!!!

    I'll be back! :)

  • dirtdiggin
    15 years ago

    Okay, my son and I escaped the enormous pile of seed packages so that I can post that "I RECEIVED MY PACKAGE!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!"

    HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! What a WONDERFUL assortment of seeds!!!!!!! SO many from my wish list and many extras too!! I'll be planting for MONTHS lol :)

    Thank you Patty, for doing such a WONDERFUL job with this swap. It's amazing how much work you put into it and took such care in checking lists :)

    Thank you to EVERYONE who sent in seeds. For the time and trouble you took to package and label each one. It's so amazing to see all those little packages of treasures sitting and awaiting dirt lol :)

    DS is checking to see if there are any duplicates lol he's hooked hehehe and when there is a duplicate, he's all over it hehehe. You've made my day as well as a 10 year old's. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    Ok,I have gone through all the seeds! You guys are the most awesome group of seed addicts in the world!!!!!:D

    I dont even know where to begin.....I have so many seeds sitting here that I have wanted for so long and now they are mine ...all

    Thanks a million times over to all of you and to Patty for making this swap so great for all of us! Your hard work and lack of sleep have made so many, so happy! Hugs to you Patty!!!I cant wait to see you in person so I can squeeze you!
    ~Angie...who will look at these seeds over and over again until it sinks in!;)

  • pattygrow5
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi all the day is finally here they are all gone I am left with a pile of gallardias,cilantros, basils and other such seeds that were doubles but I can go to bed on time.
    Here are the last 3
    poisondartfrog-0308 2040 002 1725 1777
    sguanzon-0308 2040 002 1725 1791
    sandygardens-0308 2040 002 1725 1784
    I am glad you all like your seeds now I can go thru mine and get my wintersowing started.

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    Ok one more time.....THANK YOU!!! I swear everytime I look through them something else jumps out at me! My son was thrilled when I told him of some of the really cool seeds we received,he has already started claiming some!;)

    I really appreciate every seed that was sent in for me,so many of you sent me seeds I really longed for and I cant wait to see how short my want list is after I take them all off!:)

    Hugs to all of you!:)

  • angelady777 (Angela) - Zone 6
    15 years ago

    Angie - I know you worked so hard to make many of us happy with packaging up so many things we all wanted. Thank you again! It's sure nice to see how excited you are as well!

    Patty - WoooooooooHoooooooooooooooo! You're clearing home plate! I'm so glad that all the hard work is done for you and you get to enjoy some of these awesome seeds yourself! So, how do you feel about what all you received? Are you excited about growing some new stuff like the rest of us?


  • nikkineel
    15 years ago

    WOOOO HHOOOOO EEY!!! I am about as excited for you to be able to relax as I was when I received my package! I hope you get some rest, Patty. I'm also interested to hear if you received some seeds you really wanted. Is your wishlist being met, too?
    Angie, Thank you again for sending all those extra seeds. I can't imagine the amount of packing, organizing, and sacrificing you have made, too. Is your wishlist being met?
    Hope everyone enjoys many blooms this year. We really need to start a pic thread this spring and summer to share. Nik

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    You girls are so welcome! I really do enjoy "spreading the wealth",I figure what is the point in holding onto more seeds than I know I will need? I always keep enough for one batch of ws'ing and one batch for "just in case",the rest are to share! :)
    I am so very happy I was able to send seeds along you all wanted,last year more experienced traders really sent in some nice stuff for me,I was honored to do the same for others! :DYes Nikki,my want list has a giant chunk out of it! Thanks so much for asking!:)
    I have some major editing to do over the next few days! I was so extremely thrilled with the seeds I received,you sent Allium in for me right? Thanks a bunch for them,I am trying to incorporate as much as I can this season,I am hoping it will make it unappetizing to the critters that like to munch on my babies.Maybe if the whole yard smells like onion to them,they will "pass". I figure what do I have to lose,if it doesn't deter them,I will just have boat loads of beautiful flowers I know they wont eat!;)

    Thanks again to everyone who sent seeds in for me,as I logged them in last night I was in such disbelief of the seeds I received! I was on Cloud Nine until 2:30 AM!

  • just1morehosta
    15 years ago

    Me too, i am so excited for all of us,this is my very first swap(well,second, i did the SS this year)and never inmy wildest dream did i ever think i would receive soooooo many wonderful seeds,even got my hubby interested,he was so impressed,we will now have some tomatoes added to our garden.

    I hope you did get some nice seed Patty,and you too, Angie.
    I personally,will be so happy to see every ones pictures this summer.This has been so much fun for me,thank you,one and all.

  • stage_rat
    15 years ago

    I got my seeds! THANK YOU to Patty, and to everyone else!

    I dumped out the envelope and picked through it, sorting into piles and going "Yay! Wow! I don't believe it!"

    The piles I used: "Wintersow Priority" "Spring sow if I run out of WS time," "Seeds I can Direct Sow" "Seeds to Indoor Sow" "Seeds to look up" and "Seeds for my friend's kids"

    One seed I'm super-excited about is the Sensitive Plant--I figure my friend's kids will enjoy those as much as I did when my mom grew them. But I'm excited about everything from my wish list!

    I have been able to take so many things off my Wants list. Some of those seeds would be hard to find, and/or expensive! Thanks again, everybody! There are a few people who send me great things in every group swap, and I seldom have anything good for them. I want you to know I am so grateful, and I just hope I'll have something good for you someday!

    Patty, I'm glad you can finally relax and start your own wintersowing. If you ended up sending away too many good things, feel free to shop my Haves list, and just let me know what you want! I didn't know there'd be a lot of people with Gaillardia to send in, I know I sent in a few packets of that!

  • sandysgardens
    15 years ago

    IÂve been down with pneumonia for the last few weeks, so I havenÂt been on GW much at all. Logged on this morning and it's been fun reading everyone's comments regarding their packages they've received back. Also exciting knowing my package is on its way!!! It's arrival in the next few days is perfect timing, now that I'm feeling better and can get back to sowing seeds!

    Enjoy your seeds everyone and happy sowing!

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    Glad to hear you are on the mend Sandy! :)

  • proudgm_03
    15 years ago

    I received my seeds yesterday but forced myself to wait until I had all of the seeds from another swap logged and ready to go and had cleaned up my want list. Then I reveled in my seeds amazed at how many there were! I have to admit I had my doubts since this was my first year to participate in this swap. I was so thrilled with the number of seeds that were exactly what was asked for on my list and also the number of seeds that were very similar to what I had asked for. And then there were the seeds that I didn't ask for and didn't know I wanted until I looked them up! Patty thank you so much for hosting this swap. I can't even begin to imagine how much time and effort you put into getting everyone's seeds to them. This was a truly amazing swap.

    To all who sent seeds especially for me thank you! thank you! thank you! You are a great bunch of people!

  • kilngod
    15 years ago

    wow. wow. wow. (shreek) wooooow. "Honey!" (giggle)

    Yup, the package has landed, and is just amaaaaaazing. Things I didn't think I'd get and did!!! Little trades that multiple people sent and made a big batch of a thing to plant. Just TONS o' seeds.....and I'm gonna roll in them ALL! And then sort them all over again!!! heeheeheehee!

    This is gonna be one big purge of the online want list tomorrow, that is for sure!

    Thank you everyone for contributing to this super wonderful swap. For all the seeds you shared, the time you took to find them, bag them, label them, and ship the crazy things out! Thank you, Patty, for all the time you give to sort this mulch pile of baggies for us. I do hope you got some goodies -- get that want list updated so we can see what came off.

    Love you all -- big big hugs all around!

  • sguanzon
    15 years ago

    Woo Hoo Patty! Nothing like keeping me in suspense but the wait was worth it! As always, I'm never disappointed in this swap, one of the best!

    I got a kazillion (yep I counted) seeds, some I've never seen before. I'm just like a kid whooping and hollering la de da!

    Oh and how sweet of you to include those newspaper clippings about the Steelers - NOT! (just kidding) My husband got such a kick out of that.......

    Thanks again Patty, I love it all and can't wait to update my list now that I have some of my "wants".

    Thanks to everyone.

    Sue G.

  • pattygrow5
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi all I am so glad most of you got their seeds from the looks of it I think you all did and I am glad you are all happy Sue I knew you would get a kick out of the steeler pictures I sent some to angelady too but shes not talking.
    I got 40 jugs wintersown over 120 varieties of perennials I do my annuals later so I feel better now. Yes I got a lot of things I wanted but as usual after updating my want list is still long thats because it is too specific and lots of hard to find seeds. Next year I am going back to the earlier start date and we will have the seeds a month earlier I will let you know in advance.
    Thanks all who played and I am glad you all had fun.

  • proudgm_03
    15 years ago

    I was wondering if it was possible to get more info on some of the seeds we got. A lot of them didn't have the senders name on them so I can't email for questions. For instance, I received some lirope and I was wondering which kind it is i.e. the clumping or the spreading.

  • poisondartfrog
    15 years ago

    I was hoping for mine yesterday, but it was not to be. I did try tracking it, but the system says there was no such item in the system. I copied and pasted it from the post, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong...maybe Monday...I can hardly wait!

  • kilngod
    15 years ago

    Hi Proud - It may not be possible to find out about which liriope. With all the traders, and multiple people who could've sent it, and many traders may not stop back here at the end of the swap......

    "Grow it and you will know." That's the approach I use.


  • kilngod
    15 years ago

    ****Overall Help With New Seeds & General Seed Information****

    Site for identifying names, growing conditions, lots of info on new-to-you plants:

    Generally, I sow using this rule:
    Sow the seed at a depth of 1.5 times the thickest part of the seed. "A little deeper than the seed is thick" I don't look the specifics up anymore. For tiniest seeds, I use this rule: sow on damp/wet soil and do not cover (and I try to bottom water these so the seeds aren't washed down the side of the pots). These sowing guidelines usually work just fine.

    Sites for info on sowing & germination for different seeds:
    (these are helpful--which seeds need cold stratification, or the seed coat needs to be nicked and soaked before sowing, etc.)

    Happy Happy Joy Joy -- Let's sow our fool hearts out!

  • sandysgardens
    15 years ago

    A BIG FAT stuffed envy was in the mailbox on Saturday!!!

    I didn't have time to take a real thorough look through the many, many, manyÂ. seed packets until this morning. I am very, very, very happy with what I received. Patti  You did a GREAT job with the seeds you sent, give yourself a BIG pat on the back.

    Dirt  IÂm in trouble now because of all those pepper seeds. IÂm going to be sneaking pepper plants all around my yard, the neighbors, and anyone elseÂs yard I can sneak in and out of. I figure if I can get in their yards to plant them, I should be able to sneak in and harvest!!

    Thanks to everyone who sent seeds in to all participants. ItÂs such a GREAT way to share the beauty of flowers and the nourishment of food.


  • pattygrow5
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi all
    Alana I am so sorry left a 0 out here is the correct tracking number 0308 2040 0002 1725 1777
    Becky the thing with the swap seeds is if the person got them from their garden they could tell you but they may have received them from a trade theselves so they wouldn't be able to guarantee anything.

  • Julie
    15 years ago

    Hi there y'all!
    I wanted to let you know- I did receive my seeds on Friday!!
    I have been too busy to spend much time on the computer this weekend- but every chance I got- I did go through my LARGE envelope of seeds a little more- and am very pleased with the selections both sent in and those chosen for me!
    I am very surprised to have received so many seeds - and then so many from my list!! I do especially like the packets- even small amounts of seeds, that were personal favorites from the sender- these have always been a joy to grow on!
    Thank you Patty for doing such a great job hosting such a fabulous swap with so MANY caring gardeners finding and sharing so many great seeds!


  • karenh71867
    15 years ago

    I received my seeds on Saturday, and had such fun going through them!! Thank you Patty for your hard work and time AND your generosity!! I loved my seeds, and can not wait to start wintersowing!! Thank you to everyone for sending in such a nice assortment of seeds!!

    My kids got so mad at me, because we were going to go and do some shopping, but I had my son get the mail first, and I just couldn't leave until I went through every seed packet! (Mooommmm!! Lets go!) lol

    Thank you again Patty! I was VERY pleased with the selections you sent! I look forward to next years swap!!


  • poisondartfrog
    15 years ago

    Thanks Patty! According to that, it left Pittsburgh on the 18th. It is taking the scenic route.
    Everyone has been so effusive in their appreciation that getting to the mailbox has become a priority for me each evening. Tomorrow is another opportunity!

  • ollierose
    15 years ago

    Wow! My seeds came last Friday and I've been going through them ever since!

    Thank you so much to everyone that sent seeds in for me! Everyone was so generous and I will be able to clean so much from my want list!

    This was a great swap and I really enjoyed it!

    My hand is finally healing, so I'm hoping to get some wintersowing done this week. Yippee! I finally see light at the end of the drill bit! LOL

    Thank you again to everyone! :)

  • jworth
    15 years ago

    Thank you everyone! I love my seeds!

  • esiuol
    15 years ago

    Woo Hoo!! I got my seeds!! I got my seeds!!

    Thank you all so much and thank you Patty for having such a great swap.


  • ptp813
    15 years ago

    Yeah! Patty I like the idea of receiving the seeds a bit earlier. Being in zone 7 I was wondering if I would have enough cold time left for those that need the cold stratification. I've just gotten in gear winter sowing them as soon as I received them and we have been getting cooler than normal weather. Yeah! The first time I'm actually happy for more winter. :-) LOL

    Thank you again for all your hard work making it possible for so many to be blessed with lots of goodies.

    kilngod/Tina thanks for the web sites to research out seeds more. It will be very helpful.

    :-) Pam

  • stage_rat
    15 years ago

    I'm glad almost everyone has their seeds and likes them! I hope poisondartfrog gets hers soon!

    Proudgm, In the past I've been frustrated by the lack of a trader's name too--particularly with an Iris type that has some varieties hardy to my zone, and some not. It's nice to at least have a chance of asking the question; even if the seeds were from a trade, sometimes the person remembers who the trader was.

    So, next big swap, one of us will post a line encouraging people to put their trade name on the seeds! :) I hope those liriope work out for you.

  • poisondartfrog
    15 years ago

    None for me today, but the envelope has made it to Louisville so I should get it by Thursday. Hurray!

  • agirlsgirl
    15 years ago

    Hi everyone! :) I have been sowing seeds like crazy! Everyday I have been cleaning during the day and sowing seeds at night...I am running low on containers! So much for my limit on my ws'ing this year! I received too many great seeds and I HAVE to start them all! ;)
    I still have to update my want list,there are so many to take off,I have most of it done on a notebook,but figure sowing these seeds takes top priority right now!:)

    Alana,I hope you have your envy soon,it does seem to want to take the scenic route! The delaying of seed delivery should be illegal!!!!

  • poisondartfrog
    15 years ago

    Got 'em! I am absolutely delighted with the seeds I received this year-things I had on my list that I was sure no one would have to share were in that envelope. I have gone through them twice and will go back through them again after dinner.
    I am so happy to have all of the lovely peach colored flowers folks sent me. I have visions of a peach and blue garden and it is really coming together now.
    I also loved receiving all of the various Sweet Peas. I usually just grow a couple of varieties, but this year I will have them everywhere! I love it!
    Thanks to everyone who sent in their precious seeds! And Miss Patty, you did an incredible job! I am very appreciative.