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Planting Azaleas and Spacing

10 years ago

I am going to be planting a row of azaleas and do not want there to be any space in between. The grower's label says spacing should be 4ft. If I want to be certain that the azaleas are growing together, but, of course, not too crowded and lose all shape, how far apart would you plant them? 3ft, 3.5ft, 4ft?

I had a landscaper friend who planted some in the past for me at around 3ft, despite me suggesting otherwise, saying they "would never reach that in umpteen years, don't worry about it, yada yada yada." So, I'm also wondering whether I should transplant those as well before they become too big to move.

Both the earlier azaleas and the current ones are supposed to be 4'wide and 4.5'high.

Thanks for your help!

This post was edited by Towsonite on Tue, Sep 17, 13 at 11:58

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