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Pictures of SFG through the Years

12 years ago

Maybe giving others additional ideas...

Comments (10)

  • scarletdaisies
    12 years ago

    How nice! I always wished I had tried sfg.

  • MytFine
    12 years ago

    Hi Snibb - I spent some time looking at ways gardeners have done summer squash, zuchs and cukes in their sq ft gardens. Your rope technique is interesting! Thought I'd try the inverted tomato baskets this year with garden soft string squares around the perimeter. We usually just plant all squash on a hill in the yard and let them ramble. I think we'll get more veggies training them. We'll see. Enjoyed your garden pics!

  • snibb
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    I hope it works for you. Im still not exactly sure what your going to do though

  • tiredmamaof5
    12 years ago

    Your garden looks beautiful and you sound like you are very experienced in the square foot gardening. I'm fairly new to the square foot gardening. AZ does not have very good soil, so I decided to try the raised bed method. I've had three crops in my garden and none of the crops have been very successful. At some point the growth becomes stunted and I can't figure out why. I feel like I'm watering just enough because the mulch on the top is dry but if I put my finger down in the soil, it is slightly moist. I planted squash two months ago and my plants are not even big enough to climb up a trellis yet and no flowers. My beans were planted a month ago, they are only 6 inches tall and are producing nothing. Same with cucumbers.
    There is another discussion on the forum addressing the slow growth situation and the consensus seems to be the combination of the Mel's mix just doesn't seem to be working.
    Would love any suggestions! Are you using Mel's mix exactly?
    I love your irrigation system. Are the black hoses soaker hoses? Do you water through the white tube?

    Would love your input!

  • snibb
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    New pictures added today....

  • DianeGA
    12 years ago

    Snibb, when it comes to sfg.... you da man!

    How many squares do you grow in altogether?

    And I'm curious how you grow the potatoes in just 6". How do you cover them up/hill them to keep the potatoes from turning green? Don't they grow up along the stem? I'm growing them for the 1st time & using straw to hill them, so I'm confused how they'd all grow underground in just 6".

    Also, what kind of wood do you use? Something expensive like cedar that resists rot/termites or do you have to replace every few years?

    Thanks for posting your pictures! You're an inspiration to me!

  • snibb
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    dianega..thanks for the kind words. I guess I like to think of myself as an enthusiastic amateur.

    I have 157 squares all together, with an additional 2X6 bed with just asparagus in it.

    As far as the potatoes, that box is probably more like 8" deep. I just plant those things as far down as I can get them and let mother nature do the watering. In about 6 weeks, they break the surface. I think there is someone by the name of Sinfo...something or other on here that is the kind of potato growers. If I remember right, he starts adding boxes upon one another. I guess I could do that too, but I am way too lazy for that. But, I think you would get more potatoes if you wanted to do it that way.

    I use pressure treated redwood. Some people beleive that all that residue leaches into the soil. Im not one of them. The ingredients used to make paint from the 70's-mid 90's has changed dramatically, which is why I dont have a problem with it. If you do, you will just have to pick another kind of wood. Mine are 11 years old I think, and holding up very well.

    Good luck with your SFG-its the greatest way to do it without all the hard work and weeding....

  • TexasLady64
    12 years ago

    Snibb, for some reason I can't see these pictures...keeps asking for a password. Are they still available?

    Also I have seen your posts about corn in the past. You had previously mentioned checkered choice and plant 4 per square, but I can't find where that is sold anymore. I was wondering what you are using now or where you are getting it from. I would also like to know if and how you fertile the corn.

    I am very new to this and any help is appreciated!

  • Bryan Scott
    12 years ago

    Same password thing here.

  • Minderella
    12 years ago

    Was asked for password also. Says it is a private album.