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What can I be doing with my veggie garden right now?

18 years ago

We gardened here last year, but moved into our home mid-May, so we could start immediately with the garden. This year, with our mild weather (and yes, I'm sure it will get cold once more) I'm antsy to get started again!

Is it too early to even be doing things like tilling good soil into our "dirt"?

Are there any cold weather things to plant?

thanks much for any suggestions!!

Comment (1)

  • leira
    18 years ago

    I just moved to Santa Fe last fall, and I've been wondering the same thing.

    Last weekend I mixed compost innoculant into my compost bin, but I fear it might still be too cold for that to do any good.

    I've started raking leaves, and noticing where the trees and bushes have dead branches that could be cut out. I won't cut live branches until the new Spring growth starts up.

    I'm designing a rain barrel system, and collecting the parts to attach to inexpensive garbage cans, so that I can hope to keep my over-ambitious garden watered this summer.

    I've been collecting materials for building self-watering planters, as described in the Container Gardening forum. As the weeks wear on, it becomes an ever more complex engineering problem, involving float valves and such so that they really *are* self-watering.

    I've been re-potting, pruning, and propagating houseplants to keep myself busy and allow myself to dig in dirt (or faux dirt, anyway).

    Soon I'll start a few seeds, even though it's early, because I've decided to take my chances with germinating my collection of old seeds (some quite old indeed -- though experience has shown me that many old seeds will germinate just fine), and I'd like to see what's going to make it before it's too late to go get new ones, if there's something I can't live without. I'll also try my hand at propagating the indoor herbs from cuttings, because I've never done that, and a few more herb plants wouldn't be a bad thing.

    As for amending your soil, I'd guess it's not too early for that -- some amendments are best done well in advance of planting, anyway, so that things can settle in.

    There may be a couple of things that could be planted this early. Garlic and the like comes to mind. You could try radishes, which don't seem to mind the cold, but don't be too heartbroken if you lose them.

    If you build a cold frame, you might be able to start other cold-tolerant crops.

    Good luck,
