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Hosta garden tour and sale Sat. in Memphis?

16 years ago

Does anyone know if this a public thing?

I would love to go but I don't want to intrude on a private event.

Comments (7)

  • wild_rose
    16 years ago

    This is absolutely a public thing - in fact, it is the MidSouth Hosta Society's only money-making event of the year! You wouldn't believe the selection. Not only Hostas are for sale. There is usually another vendor selling other shade-loving plants too. One year all the Hostas sold within two hours, so try to get there at or as close to opening time as you can. usually 9:00 AM, but check the Commercial Appeal newspaper to be sure if that holds true this year. You really want to see Mike Chamber's garden. He is the President of the Dixie Regional Hosta Society, and has had the Hosta bug bad for many years. His garden is spectacular. Why do I know this? I used to be Pres of the MS Hosta Society.

  • Tasha
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Thank you so much!

    According to the schedule of events it starts at 9 so I'll try my best to get there. How neat that you used to be President of the MS Hosta Society!

    I've wanted to join for a while. But, I wouldn't be able to come to everything. So once again I've put it off.

  • wild_rose
    16 years ago

    Go ahead and join - you can do it at the sale Saturday. Everybody is extremely friendly - no snobs allowed. There won't be another meeting until September, so you have plenty of time to get it on your calendar. There are only 5 or 6 meetings a year - Sept, Oct,(can't remember if there is a Nov. meeting), Feb - Apr. Membership is very inexpensive and one of the big perks is being able to buy osmocote at the wholesale price. Even if you never attended another meeting, the savings on that fertilizer alone is worth joining. You can't help but learn how to grow Hostas if you do attend the meetings - or at least learn that yours are not the only ones that look terrible after Summer starts and that the beautiful photos you see in magazines and plant catalogs are either taken in the Spring or up North!

  • Tasha
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    I had a great time touring the garden. And brought five home with me. I wanted Ice Age Trail but by the time I turned back around someone had it.

    I got an application to join. DH even said he would join with me. I think he's starting to get into the gardening.

    Thanks for giving me the info.

  • wild_rose
    16 years ago

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. Wasn't Mike's garden fabulous? I'm not buying new hostas right now. I want to see if they survive living in the country around hungry deer. I do wish I could have driven up just for the tour , but there was a festival going on here I needed to attend. Not only was it fun, it was very productive too. I've been wanting a porch swing and found a hand-made one at a bargain price!

  • ctmisenti_aol_com
    13 years ago

    Where and when is the Hosta Sale?

  • charlotte_fineberg-buchner_stjude_o
    13 years ago

    2011 Hosta Sale is at the Zaner home, 2150 Exeter Place, Cordova, TN. All are welcome to visit the garden, shop, or just browse. Hostas are known as Friendship Plants!

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