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need help with info on tibouchina in S.W. Fla

Davie Robinson
9 years ago

Hi, Just purchased a beautiful tibouchina & have received conflicting info re: exposure. Can anyone out there give me hands on, practical help having grown them in s.w. fla ? many thanlks

Comment (1)

  • Tiffan
    9 years ago

    Ok, so I purchased a Princess Flower plant from Edens Gardens (AL) last spring and have transplanted it three times before I found a location that works. I'm over in humid and hot Houston, and the "sunny" requirement is different for those of us in sunny southern states (hello, Florida). You need indirect or filtered light for this sensitive guy. In a full southern exposure, it did not grow and required a LOT of water to not dry out. I moved him to a mostly shady spot on northern exposure, and that did well, but its location was experiemental in my garden and wouldn't have worked at full growth. I then planted the little guy just near where the sun may shine over on northern exposure, so it's bright indirect light, maybe a splash of direct sun for an hour. The plant is taking off, slowly putting out big, fuzzy healthy leaves. The heat for us is a little intense with the humidity and direct sun, so I'd recommend finding a spot in your yard/garden with bright indirect light, with only a couple hours of direct sun.

    On a second note, I am from California and they grow like mad in the SF bay area, almost always in filtered light. At my alma mater SF State, they grew a species into a tree, almost 25 feet, next to a building with filtered light. It was stunning.

    Good luck!!

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