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HAVE: Have rare cuttings will trade for cuttings

17 years ago

Have cuttings of these:

Strongylodon macrobotrys

Lapageria rosea

Brugmansia 'Frosty Pink' or 'Double White'

Aristolochia gigantea

Aristolochia brasiliensis (aka: A. gigantea brasiliensis)

Akebia quinata (chocolate vine)

A. quinata alba (white chocolate vine)

Passiflora yucatanensis

Passiflora edulis 'Fredericks'

other edible passifloras

other ornamental passiflora

Will trade for something of like value in cuttings, seeds or whatever.

Particularly trying to get:

brugmansia volcanicola

but open to other stuff for sure.

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