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What will you be watching this fall?

17 years ago

The networks have been pushing ads for their new fall programs. Any of them have your interest? Which ones will you be loyal too? The one named 'Heros' looks interesting to me. Then there is another one about a kid that is kidnapped, I forgot the name though. I am always loyal to CSI: Vegas.

I gave the new one on Lifetime a gamble, 'Angela's Eyes'. I turned it off after the first 10 minutes.

I am still boycotting Fox for canx'ing 'Arrested Developement'. How do you win Comedy of the Year and get canxed?...?


Comments (15)

  • jolanaweb
    17 years ago

    Well, CSI is my favorite, sometimes I watch the NY one also
    LOST, I haven't seen the Heros previews
    The last few weeks we've been watching the show Kyle XY
    We got so mad when the took off Arrested Developement, we heard it was HBO but I don't know that for sure

  • wilo
    17 years ago

    I felt the same way when they canceled 'Farscape'. . . I'm still mad about that!

  • jolanaweb
    17 years ago

    I just remembered one *Shark* with James Woods, gonna give that one a try
    Farscape must have been on while we were watching something else. I remember seeing the previews and thought I would check it out and then it was gone
    As far as comedies I love Two and a Half Men, lol

  • carolann_z8
    17 years ago

    I look forward to the return of these:

    Grey's Anatomy
    Amazing Race
    Prison Break

    I don't watch tv too much but one night a week I look forward to these.

    Lately they don't have much on I like at all. I do watch "America's Got Talent".

  • rick_mcdaniel
    17 years ago

    Only watch PBS programs, for the most part. Bad part is, most are only on on Saturday, so I only see them once in a while.

    I like Yankee Workshop, Hometime, and This Old House among others.

    Network TV is limited to the earliest late news, as that is the only time I can watch it.

    The upshot is.....I watch very little TV, and spend most of my time either listening to music, or playing music.

    How the American public, became so enamored with stupid programming is beyond me. Or....maybe I just grew out of stupid....I don't know.

  • zitro_joe
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    rick - I actually dont watch much TV either, but this heat has me staying indoors a little more than I usually would. If I watch TV it's most likely just on Thursdays. I put a tv card in my computer so that it can record the other shows that I would like to watch.

  • rick_mcdaniel
    17 years ago

    Heh. That's like saving garbage. (smile)

    I have DVD and video recorder, but I never use either one, unless I rent a movie....which is also becoming a rarity.

    I do internet, CNN, BBC, and various metro news station sites. Have to keep up with all the insane things people do and say.

    Any bets on Dubya hoping Isreal will take care of the Iran "problem"?

  • jolanaweb
    17 years ago

    Well, we have to conserve and recycle where we can, lol
    I enjoy TV and I admit am easily entertained, one man's stupid is another man's brilliant, lol

    Rick, you know you are a closet Survivor and Big Brother watcher, you can tell us...we won't tell anyone, lol

  • User
    17 years ago

    I'm with Jolana, count me among the stupid masses. I am looking forward to Desperate Housewives and Lost, as well as some Masterpiece Theatre. :o)

  • carolann_z8
    17 years ago

    Good for you Rick.

    After a day of working in my yard, cleaning house and running my eBay store, I want to just let someone entertain me.

    My Mom got tired of watching TV when she got old. Maybe I'll get tired of it when I'm an old fart too. lol

  • gabriell_gw
    17 years ago

    I live alone and watch alot of tv. However I don't sit and "watch". That's when I read magazines and do my internet, cryptograms and sometimes handwork. Sitting and watching tv seems a waste but if I multitask I feel am doing something positive.

  • ltcollins1949
    17 years ago

    I really love being outdoors, but there are lots of times that it's just too hot, too cold and/or too rainy to be outside and so I either read, computer or watch TV.

    And I don't watch a lot of the major network programs, but I do like:

    Two & 1/2 Men
    Boston Legal
    Ghost Whisperer

    Living on the Gulf Coast, I watch a lot of The Weather Channel, especially during hurricane season. And I watch The Food Network, The Travel Channel and HGTV. And lots of movies.

  • jolanaweb
    17 years ago

    OMG, Boston Legal, how could I forget that one, I love that show, LOL

  • sally2_gw
    17 years ago

    I'm watching a new season right now. I'm addicted to The 4400 on USA, although it's not nearly as good as it was the first year. I tend to stay tuned and watch Dead Zone, but it would definately fit into Rick's 'stupid' category. A new show that just started a couple of weeks ago, also on USA, is Psych. It's another goofy, stupid show, but DH loves it. It has Dule Hill, from West Wing as the buddy to the main character. I also watch Stargate and Atlantis on SciFi. DH informed me that a couple of the actors that used to be on Farscape are now on Stargate. I liked Stargate better when Richard Dean Anderson was on it, but it's still entertaining.

    As for the fall season, I'm looking forward to Lost, Grey's Anatomy (although I'm starting to get tired of the will she or won't she thing between Grey and McDreamy. They will loose me if they don't go on to more interesting plot lines.), and the Vegas CSI. The Miami version is just plain silly, and I stopped watching it a long time ago. I occasionally watch the New York one, but I tend to get bored with it. A show I started watching late in the season this past year is The Unit. It surprises me that I actually like it, since I hate war movies, and especially hate battle scenes. However, that show is well done, and I really like the actor that plays the lead. He played the President on 24, but I don't remember his name. I'm going to miss West Wing - it was always one of my favorites. I don't know if any of the new show ads have caught my attention. I do love to watch the food network, HGTV, but rarely turn to the news channels. I get too mad and frustrated when I watch those. DH used to watch them all the time, and he was always angry. I asked him why he was torturing himself so, and he finally got the point, and quit watching them as much. He's a much happier man, now. I guess it's sticking our heads in the sand, but hey, Tv's for entertainment.

    I do like to work on cross stitch while I watch tv, or I have a book handy to read during the commercials. Does that count?


  • stitches216
    17 years ago

    Fall is one of my toughest times of year. I want to use all the daylight there is, while the days get shorter. I'll even turn on lights to garden at night from time to time and to enjoy the slightly cooler weather.

    But fall is toughest for me because of the conflicting pulls of the outdoors (to garden) and the indoors (to watch the baseball playoffs). I don't watch TV series, except those playoffs.

    So the question of what I'll be watching makes me cringe with anxiety, anticipating the conflicts to come.