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Weekends Gardens Blessings

I have spent every spare minute in my garden this week working on my vegetable garden and planting plants from the plant swap and everything seems to be popping and blooming and even wilting in style.

My Salvia coccinea "Mollly Ivens" volunteer.

A perenial wild gallardia collected west of Roswell New Mexico

Even though the deer have chowed down on this plant all summer, they are blooming . It is a Paloxifolia hookeriana, a wild annual that can grow a lot taller and bushier, loaded with flowers if you do not have deer. Never watered all summer, so it is a tough cookie. .

My Salvia regla is definitely recovering from the drought and blooming up a storm. It used to be a woody 8'tall shrub. I had to cut it back because of all the deadwood. It's blooming is timed to the humming bird migrations.

This is my Agave gemniflora that is more hardy than most of its species and , unlike many, no most aagaves, it refuses to die after it blooms. It had 4 bloom stalks this summer, and it has now formed new growth points on the sides of the bloom stalks. How about that for odd! It made seed also. It has bloomed for 5 consecutive years and no it is not a Yucca.


new Growth points

Agave seed pods harvested . It is a first time for this plant to make seeds. I am stoked about this.

This Epiphylum bloomed. I moved it from its normal spot because the deer had found that Epi buds are just as delectable an orderve as they smell. And for some reason the blossoms stayed open till 11:30 the next morning. Usually they close with the first light of dawn. This is the second time in 12 years rhat this has happened.


I must admit that they are pretty amazing even in their totally exhausted state of doneness..


Ahh it has been a long week and I enjoyed most every moment of it. So I will leave you with an image of peace and contentment.


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