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flowering vine recommendations

15 years ago

I would like to plant a flowering vine, preferably scented, that will grow well in the Austin area, which means I have heavy clay, alkaline soil. The area will be partly sunny (more the higher the vine grows). I would also like something that blooms for a long time; I like honeysuckle but it only blooms briefly. What about jasmine, clematis, morning glory, a climbing rose or something else? What suggestions do you have?

Comments (19)

  • lavernialadybug
    15 years ago

    The passion vine would work - it is beautiful, blooms almost constantly, but it can become invasive.

  • beachplant
    15 years ago

    Cross vine. Native, fast grower. Heavy bloomer and mine blooms a couple times during the year. Picked the seeds in Ausin years ago as a matter of fact.
    Tally HO!

  • jamiecrouse
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Has anyone had good luck with jasmine? And, are jasmine and jessamine two different plants or two names for the same plant? I just saw carolina jasmine and carolina jessamine today at two different garden centers and they looked the same.

  • roselee z8b S.W. Texas
    15 years ago


    Except for not being scented Coral vine warrants your consideration. It blooms ALL summer long in shallow rocky alkaline soil and little water. It forms a huge bulb-like root that apparently stores water as it is very drought tolerant. I might lay the hose on it and let it trickle for an hour or so every two or three weeks if it doesn't rain.

    It climbs to the top of the old Arizona ash tree in my back yard and shows in the front over the roof of the house. It makes people wonder what kind of tall tree is blooming pink. Butterflies love it!

    It freezes to the ground in winter, but the leaves crinkle up to nothing and the stems are brittle and easy to pull down, roll up and throw away. It's up to the top of the tree in no time come spring. Click on the thumbnails for a larger view.

    A native of Mexico it's a happy and easy vine to grow!

  • Deb Chickenmom
    15 years ago

    Carolina Jasmine is nice and I like the foliage that stays pretty through the winter, but you get the yellow flowers only in early spring. I'm trying to root cross vine from cuttings right now and it is very pretty and blooms throughout the summer. Does passion vine come back each year after dying down during winter? I have a plant I got at the Ft Worth swap and I'm not sure if I'll have to dig it in fall or not. The photos of Coral vine from roselee look very nice and it certainly sounds tough.

  • roselee z8b S.W. Texas
    15 years ago

    Thanks chickenmom!

    I was thinking after I posted that, if you have room, you might consider planting a Kidneywood tree for scent. It's a Texas native, a very graceful small open multi-trunked tree 10 or 12 ft tall, and if it gets a little water it blooms almost continually in summer. Or not watered it blooms after a rain. It's wild flower scent wafts wonderfully well.

    The sweet almond bush also has a wafting scent, as does the night blooming jasmine bush, though only at night.

    Also consider the Confederate jasmine vine which is evergreen and has a long spring bloom time whose flowers have a heady sweet scent that wafts big time.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Texas Kidneywood tree on Dave's Garden

  • runjbells
    15 years ago

    I have Carolina Jessamine, Queen's Wreath Coral Vine, Crossvine, Coral Honeysuckle, Hyacinth Bean Vine, Asian Jasmine, AND a climbing rose! One word of advice - DON'T EVER get Trumpet Vine! I've been pulling it out for at least 8 years. I love all the other vines.

    Carolina Jessamine - evergreen, loads of yellow flowers in early spring when not much else is blooming. It takes a few years to get established.

    Queen's Wreath Coral Vine - Needs lots of sun. Mine is shady at the base and climbs WAY up into a tree every year to get enough light to bloom. I don't get to see the blooms because they are so high. Dies to the ground in winter.

    Crossvine - dependable, easy to grow, evergreen, lovely tangerine flowers which attract humingbirds. It is a bit agressive.

    Coral Honeysuckle - can take some shade, blooms year round, mostly evergreen, Texas Native, Beautiful orange clusters of blooms, Hummingbird Moth food,

    Hyacinth Bean Vine - can take the heat & direct sunlight, large green leaves with purple backs, lush, gets loads of purple (edible) pods and bright pink flowers in late fall, stunning & reseeds itself every year

    Asian Jasmine - evergreen, glossy green leaves, very attractive scented white flowers, I love to go out in the summer in the evening just to smell this plant! I have it growing on an old bed headboard.

  • kossetx
    15 years ago

    To me, the key to any plant is bloom time and importance to wildlife. Carloina and confederate jasmines are great but have a very short bloom time.

    Passion vine and Mexican flame look great, grow great, bloom all summer, are drought tollerent and butterflies love it.

    I also like big blue morning glory and caedinal climbers but they do require more water. Hummers love them.

  • jardineratx
    15 years ago

    I love vines and have many of them: Star Jasmine, Italian Jasmine, butterfly pea vine (clitoria), sweet autumn clematis vine, coral honeysuckle vine, mexican flame vine, passifloras, etc., but my favorite vine is solanum seaforthianum. It blooms for months, has wonderful berries that the birds love (although toxic to humans)and has been easy for me to control. I purchased it at Arbor Gate in Tomball and it has been a very pleasant surprise.
    Here's a link:

  • jblaschke
    15 years ago

    Coral honeysuckle and Queen's Wreath coral vine are both nice plants that would suit you, although as mentioned earlier, they don't have much scent. I'm a huge passion flower fan. I've got quite a few in my collection, and would recommend the hybrid Incense to you. Large, showy flowers with a great scent. Gulf fritilary butterfly caterpillars use it as a food source, which could be a positive or a negative depending on how you feel about butterflies. It will sucker up to 20 feet away, but that's easy enough to control with regular mowing (or plucking). As far as spectacular flowers go, passion vines are hard to beat.

  • mla2ofus
    15 years ago

    Can passion flower vine be planted in a container?

  • jamiecrouse
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Now I'll be stuck in indecision for awhile. I love the pictures of the coral vine. I'm now thinking I might intertwine two different ones, so maybe I could have the coral with one that's more scented. Or I'll just have to figure out another place where I could plant vines.

  • blessedfrog
    15 years ago

    I just started the following from seed - I am not sure if it is fragrant. But it grew from seed quite fast and without fuss.

    Trumpet Creeper
    Campsis radicans
    This is a fast growing vine that looks quite tropical but is also very cold hardy (to zone 4). It grows vigorously up to 20 to 40 feet. Its leaves are compound and dense and its stems have aerial roots that can cling to walls, trees and fenceposts. Showy clusters of scarlet, trumpet-shaped blooms that are three to four inches long appear in summer and continue blooming until early autumn. The long tubular orange flowers are great attractions for hummingbirds. These are ideal if you want quick growth to cover an area fast - the fact that it is such a beautiful plant is a bonus!

    and I just planted these seeds in pots

    Butterfly Pea
    Clitoria ternatea
    Originating from the Indonesian Island of Ternate, this rare member of the pea family is one of the most amazing vines we have grown. These will bloom all year long in frost free zones or inside as an exotic vining houseplant. Technically a tropical perennial flowering plant, they are also easily grown annuals in more northern areas and will quickly bloom from seed in about 6-8 weeks. Flowers are solitary, bright deep blue with light yellow markings that are about 2" long by 1 1/2" wide. So named because they are a favorite food source for butterflies, Butterfly Peas are fast growing, up to 15 feet in a single season, providing quick covers for lattice, trellis and arbors or grow them in hanging baskets. They prefer full sun to light shade, are very drought tolerant and are well-adapted to a variety of soil types

    I'll let you know how they do
    I am in DFW

  • blessedfrog
    15 years ago

    oh hey check this link out

    I ordered some


    looks appealing!

    Here is a link that might be useful: FLOWERING CLIMBING HYDRANGEA

  • dirtmecnanic
    15 years ago

    Great info on many vines and pics of Coral Vine. Which of the vines does best with direct sun in the afternoons??

  • jblaschke
    15 years ago

    mla2ofus, to answer your question, yes, there are quite a few species and hybrids of passion vines that can be container grown. Caerulea and Amethyst (aka Lavender Lady) are commonly found in nurseries and big box stores which are suitable for this. The native incarnata (maypop) isn't nearly as well suited, since it gets so big and sprawling, not to mention the fact that it dies back over the winter.

    Check out the passion flower forum here, or visit the link below for more info.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Passionflow

  • jamiecrouse
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Does anyone know if Star Jasmine plays well with others? I'm thinking that I would like to plant it alongside something else like a climbing rose so that I can have the wonderful jasmine scent for the few weeks that it blooms but still have the longer lasting blooms of something else as well. I'm a litle worried that it might take over something that isn't quite so vigorous.

  • roselee z8b S.W. Texas
    15 years ago

    Jamie, Star jasmine is a wonderful plant and is highly recommended, but I'm not sure how well it would work with other vines.

    The ones I have growing on a chain link fence are very thickly foliaged and make a large dense evergreen mound. You might could plant a rose, or other plants or vines, a few feet away and cut back the stems of the Star jasmine as they reach out, but in my experience it is not one that would intermingle well with other plants.

    Happy vining!

  • cynthianovak
    15 years ago

    just because....

    here's another part sun vine that wasn't mentioned. It's not fragrant, but the flowers are gorgeous. I have it on the east side of a fence to protect it from full west sun. It's been in a pot for the last 2 years, left outside in winter. It comes back and would bloom more if it had a little more sun than it gets. It doesn't get really big. It looks really nice growing through another plant or vine.

    Here is a link that might be useful: DAVES blue glory info