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Comments (16)

  • carrie751
    12 years ago

    I have difficulty telling them apart...........but this is what one source had to say, so guess you can measure the flowere size and tell...............

    Vinca minor flowers are 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. These small star-shaped blooms are lavender-blue and are produced in March and April.

    Vinca major produces a flush of 1- to 2-inch, bright blue flowers in spring and then the occasional flower throughout the growing season.

    Read more: Vinca Minor Compared to Vinca Major :

  • melvalena
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Thanks for that link Carrie!
    I suspect that photo is of vinca minor due to the description of the leaves and how this plant is growing.. hugging the ground and not standing more upright.

    Vinca minor, has 1/2 to 1 inch oblong or oval leaves.

    Vinca major, has 1 to 3 inch long, heart-shaped leaves.

    I'll let the owner know, she had no idea what it was and I wasn't sure myself.

    She has the most wonderful texas mountain laurel that made me stop my car and ring her doorbell!

  • wantonamara Z8 CenTex
    12 years ago

    I would not plant vinca minor. I have seen gardens totally choked by this plant in Dripping Springs Texas. My friend that lives further north in Tennessee says that the state park near him in a Cedar glade has been over run by vinca minor. Be aware, when they say a plant is an aggressive spreader.

  • carrie751
    12 years ago

    Oh, how pretty ..............have never been able to get one of these to grow.............

  • Lynn Marie
    12 years ago

    Mine looks just like that but I called it vinca vine. Didn't even know there were two different kinds. It does take over. We now take a weed eater to it weekly. But, I did ask it to cover a shady spot I didn't want to mow... Boy did it! And the flowers are pretty.

  • carrie751
    12 years ago

    They have their place in gardening, lynnmarie, just as all plants do. Not all plants are for all gardeners, but we can pick and choose those that suit our needs best.

  • wantonamara Z8 CenTex
    12 years ago

    I have seen an garden not far from here, that is totally over run by Vinca Minor. It is coming through the cracks in the walk way. The veg garden is history because of it. The owner is a single woman who can't keep up with it. She is dead set against using poison but she has lost her war with this plant. It coming up all over her yard. The only thing that keeps up with it is the Tree of heaven. It is breaking the stone walk ways. Both were choices of the previous land owner and she was unaware of the problem.

    I did check on the Texas invasive plant list, and both Vinca minor and Vinca major are on it. There are other alternatives for planting in shade. Be careful of what you plant. You might be creating a huge headache. If not for you, for the next person that lives in your house.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Invasive plant list

  • melvalena
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    It is not against the law to grow either of the vincas. They are sold all over the place.

    Wantanna's friend has caused her own problems. She should have done her research and done what was necessary to care for it, or killed it off. That she has chosen not to do either, is not anyone's fault but her own.
    Its certainly not the fault of the person who lived there before her.

    There are plants all over that are undesirable by some, but loved by others.
    I certainly don't do all this work or make all these decisions for who ever takes this house after me. I plant for my own pleasure and enjoyment as does everyone else who bothers to 'garden'.

    People who have planted vinca have made a choice, for their own property, which is their right to do so.

    They are not selfish villains causing old ladies nightmares nor is it their fault that some state park hundreds of miles away is over run with it.

  • carrie751
    12 years ago

    "One man's trash is another man's treasure" !!!! Whether it be growing vinca or some other plant that others deem invasive ..shouldn't it be the gardener's choice, as long as it is done responsibly?? Even though vinca may not be a plant of choice for me, it certainly has it's place in the garden or it would have never been created. I feel the joy and beauty of gardening is letting each person make their own choices !!!!... .RECOMMENDATIONS accepted, but never mandated. Now, let's all just get out there and garden as we see fit !!!

  • roselee z8b S.W. Texas
    12 years ago

    One of the Vincas has been growing next door for ages, but under difficult conditions so it hasn't spread at all. It's a wonder that it even lived. However, I had heard that it can be hard to control in a more friendly environment. It's good to have all kinds of input on how plants might behave under certain conditions so we know what to expect. Much appreciation to everyone who responded.

  • wantonamara Z8 CenTex
    12 years ago

    I will be outspoken about invasive plant issue. It is a suggestion to the person about the vinca. The plant should come with a warning label. Beware and be careful. I am sorry that my position draws into question the right to persue of happiness without looking at responsibility.

  • melvalena
    Original Author
    12 years ago


    No one was asking anything other than confirmation what it is. I just met this lady, she wanted to show me her garden and asked me if I knew what it was. I wasn't sure, so I took the photo to find out.
    She is over 80, it was there when she bought the house and she is quite pleased with it.

    A simple caution about its "potential for invasiveness under certain conditions" would have sufficed.

    As a few other posters have said, they grow it and its no trouble for them. It is not always the bugger some bureaucrat says it is, and in the right place serves a great purpose. I've seen it in tons and tons of gardens for years.

    I do not understand your last sentence. Responsibility ?? Responsibility for what? To whom/who/what?

  • wantonamara Z8 CenTex
    12 years ago

    I thought maybe you were wanting to plant it and I wanted to warn you of the possible nature of this plant. Why treat me like a pariah when I was just attempting to educate you about the plant since it appeared you did not know about it.. I am sorry that I ruffled your feathers.

    The last sentence alludes to the fact that we see gardening as our right to the pursuit of happiness (Remember the constitution). It comes with consequences about the responsibility of choices. We tend to minimize those things. I am sorry it went over your head. The grammar mistake did not help.

  • melvalena
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Don't flatter yourself, nothing went over my head and my feathers weren't ruffled except for your depiction of vinca planters.
    It was hurtful and insulting to the many participants here who grow it, which is why I spoke up in defense of them.

    I assume we're adults and figure there is no need for you to be snide and catty when I ask for clarification of a statement you have made.

    You still didn't answer my question about the responsibility thing.

  • wantonamara Z8 CenTex
    12 years ago

    I think that you are reading a lot of intent into words that is not there. I do apologize for rubbing you the wrong way with information you did not want.

  • melvalena
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Gosh even your "apology" has to be an insult?
    I'm not the one you owe the apology to.

    To be clear:
    The information isn't a problem, its the delivery followed by the castigating and demonisation of those who chose not to garden your way.