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What's wrong with 'Siskiyou pink' gaura?

This 'Siskiyou pink' is behaving very differently than our white gaura cultivars and am trying to figure out what is going on. Purchased in a 4" pot from a reliable Austin nursery last summer. It immediately shot up a two foot+ hard wooden stem from which it flowered... it was a monster. Figured soil may have been too rich in that spot, so transplanted it to unimproved space in the alley and was already able to pot a couple small divisions. It flowered fine until the first freeze, but never developed a rosette like our other gauras. Both divisions grew the same way with a single firm stem; one of which I kept alive indoors over the winter. The mother plant and division left outdoors are showing no signs of life, so believe they froze to death without a sustaining rosette. Anyone know if there is a trick to getting the remaining division to grow "normally"? TIA

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