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tree line weeds

12 years ago

We live in a rural subdivision, and on our property we have a tree line that was a farmer's fence row once upon a time. Until last fall it grew wild and was impenetrably thick with tall (over my head) weeds. Finally tired of my son getting a rash every time he walked past the area, I had a tree removal company come out in October and thin the trees a bit (it is nearly all box elders and other weed trees growing at bizarre, leaning angles) as well as brush hog the weeds. They put all the woody stuff in a chipper and spread the resulting mulch beneath the trees, and spread grass seed in the newly opened areas. It looked great when they were done. A neighbor commented on how glad she was that she no longer needed to fear that a dead body could be stashed in there!

Fast forward to the present summer season. The weeds are of course trying to re-assert themselves, and I have just come in from going round 3 with RoundUp products. The first time I used regular pre-mixed RoundUp. After less-than-great results we got our own sprayer and mixed a stronger dose. Still not a great result. Today I used RoundUp's Poison Ivy killer, again at a higher than recommended concentration. I feel like I'll be spraying every few weeks until eternity at this rate.

The weeds I am battling are mostly Virginia Creeper, wild grape vines, poison ivy, wild raspberries and blackberries, and wild roses. There are also a million tree seedlings coming up.

Having the tree people do the work initially was a big expense, and in theory I am protecting that investment by trying to kill the bad stuff out there. However, I worry that I am pouring money down the drain and harming the environment by repeated applications of harsh chemicals that may not work in the end.

I am posting here hoping for confirmation that it is possible to get this wild and noxious area under control. If it is going to be a constant war every spring, summer, and fall, tell me so. And of course, if you have any ideas for things I could try, I'm all ears!

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